WINNETKA TALK October 6, 1928 North Shore Women Act on Theatre Guild Committees Select Committees for Theatre Guild Membership Drive BY EVELYN DUNCAN Those who attended the reception last Sunday afternoon given at Mrs. Walter Strong's home at 1377 Tower road, Hubbard Woods, for Walter Pritchard Eaton under the auspices of the auspices of the North Shore The- atre guild, were pleasantly instructed and amusingly entertained by Mr. Eaton's talk on "Little Theatres." His personality and manner of talking combined with the questions of his audience gave exactly the right touch of informality to the occasion. At the tea which followed Mrs. Arthur Boet- tcher, wife of the president of the or- ganization, and Miss Hickman of Evanston poured. All officers, chairmen and members of the guild, have started working through various channels to insure a successful year's work. Mrs. Sher- man Aldrich of Winnetka, a member of the board of directors, is general chairman of the membership cam- paign, most of which will be carried on through the town committees. In Wilmette Mrs. Robert J. Stoddard is chairman and her committee includes Mesdames Hayes McKinney, William A. Durgin, Frank Eager, Leland Pier- son, Roger Jenness, Merle Snyder, Harry Burnside. Ernest Freeman, William J. Flynn, Richard Jordan, David P. Moreton, Edwin B. Knudt- son, Herbert Smith. Edmond M. Sim- ends, and Mrs. Laura Davy. This group entered upon its cam- paign at a meeting at the chairman's home Tuesday. Kenilworth, Winnetka, and Glencoe committees will formulate their plans shortly, but their members have been selected. Mrs. J. C. Murray heads the Kenil- worth group, whose members are Mesdames Harold O. Barnes, Arthur Bonnet, H, H. Brassard, John P. Ole- son, and Harry E. Weese. Mrs. Merritt Lum is in charge of the Winnetka group, assisted by Mesdames Warren Agry, A. H. Bar- ber, Enos Barton, Laird Bell, Robert Bowman Brown, Harry Craig, Fred- erick Dickinson, Milton Higgins, Don- ald Mursay, C. Durand Allen, John Cadmus, J. Blaine Korrady, R. E. Hammond, William Gold Hibbard, ITI, William Van Horne, and Miss Marian Montgomery. Mrs. Dwight Orcutt's committee in Glencoe has the foliowing members, Mrs. Arthur Brintnall, Mrs. Robert M. Cunningham, Mrs. Edward R. Johnston, Mrs. Catherine S. Postle, Mrs. George J. Pope, Mrs. Markham B. Orde, Mrs. Richard E. Welch, Mrs. James G. MacMillan, Mrs. Louis B. Hoffman, Mfs. J. H. Musson, Mrs. Clifford C. Bradbury, Mrs. Harry C. Holloway, and Mrs. Franklin Chi- chester. Speak at Wellesley Club The North Shore Wellesley circle held the opening meeting of its sea- son Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Parker Johnston in Highland Park. The program of the afternoon consisted in class reunion reminiscences given by Mrs. Alexander Gunn, Mrs. R. Ward Starrett, and Miss Ruth Hypes. Wed Today North shore society is interested in the wedding of Miss Daisiana Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Smith, to John T. Pirie, Jr. The cere- mony will take place at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon, in the Smith home at ke Forest, * 7 te Betrothed Photo by James H. Connelly The betrothal of Miss Louise Ber- nice Hall to Richard Martin Block of Winnetka was announced last week. Miss Hall is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence I. Siegel of the Webster hotel and her fiance the son of Dr. and Mrs. D. Julian Block of 194 Fuller lane. January 5, has been set as the wedding day. Marian Black Completes Her Wedding Arrangements Miss Marian Black, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Stanley Black of 171 Franklin road, Glencoe, will be married on October 20, at 8:30 o'clock at Christ church, to Walter Ernest Welge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Welge of Evanston. A reception for relatives and intimate friends of the families will be held immediately following the ceremony at the home of the bride. Miss Ruth Mills will serve Miss Black as maid of honor and the other two attendants are to be Miss Mary Mills and Miss Alice Catherine Mills. The men in the bridal party will be Robert Howell of Evanston, best man, and John Howell of Evanston, Harvey Snook of Santa Barbara, Cal, .and Gavian Elwood of Joliet, ushers. On September 27, Miss Louise Meri- gold gave a linen shower for Miss Black and since then her calendar has been full. Miss Inez Hill and Mrs. Wallace Huck of Glencoe entertained at a supper party on October 3, and the following day Miss Mary Penfield of Evanston gave a luncheon. Last Friday Mrs. Chester Guy and Mrs. John Shillestad, cousins of Miss Black, were hostesses at a luncheon and bridge party in her honor at the Chi- cago Athletic club. Next Monday Mrs. Russell Chandler of Evanston will give an afternoon bridge as will Mrs. John Blunt, III, on October 9. On the tenth Miss Catherine Mills is to give a luncheon. The spinster dinner will be held at the home of Miss Ruth and Mary Mills a few days before the wedding and on Thursday evening, October 18, the bride's parents will give a supper dance for the bridal party at the Drake. Mrs. C. A. G. Kuipers of 485 Elder lane entertained at luncheon and four tables of bridge Wednesday afternoon at her home. si Winnetka Circles Now Embark on New Season The Skokie circle will hold its first meeting at the home of Mrs. Ceylon R. Cady, 1005 Greenwood avenue, on October 15. Assisting hostesses will be Mrs. W. S. Begulin, the chairman, and Mrs. R. R. Hamilton. The busi- ness meeting will be followed by a speaker from the League of Women Voters who will talk on the Novem- ber 6 election. All members are urged to attend this interesting meet- ing. New Trier circle will hold the first meéting of the season Tuesday after- noon, October 9, at the home of Mrs. S. B. Orwig, 921 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, with Mrs. H. Raclin assist- ing. Mrs. K. H. Hinrichs, chairman, cordially invites .all new neighbors to attend and hopes that all the old members will be there to make plans for the coming year. The sewing com- mittee will be on hand with work. The Foxdale circle will hold its first meeting October 9. Mrs. George L. Friestedt will be hostess and the meet- ing will be held in the Neighborhood room of Community House. There will be bridge and bunco and a cordial invitation has been extended to all members. The first meeting of the year of the Indian Hill circle will be held at the home of Mrs. H. G. Wilson, 475 Orchard lane, on Wednesday, October 10, at 2 o'clock. A large attendance is. urged. Plans for the year will be discussed. The first meeting of the Scott Ave- nue circle will be held at the home of Mrs. Enos M. Barton, 978 Euclid avenue, Hubbard Woods, Tuesday, October 9, at 2:30. An interesting program will be given and all residents within the circle are cordially invited. The first meeting of the East Elm Street circle will be held on Tuesday, October 9, at the home of Mrs. Arthur J. Boynton, 604 Cherry street. The assisting hostesses will be Mrs. T. R. Benson, Mrs. C. S. Ostrom, and Mrs. Julius C. Towle. The first meeting of the Winnetka Heights circle will be on Tuesday, Oc- tober 9, at 2 o'clock, with the chair- man, Mrs. Walter Sethness, 1015 Dins- more road. The Ridge Avenue circle will hold its first meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Plowman, 421 Linden avenue, on October 15, at 2 o'clock. The Hawthorn Lane circle will meet Tuesday, October 9, with Mrs. Dudley Full, 529 Hawthorn lane. Mrs. James Harris will be the assisting hostess. The Pine Street circle will meet at the home of Mrs. V. Massman, 992 Pine street, Friday, October 12, at 2:30 o'clock. To Sew for Holiday Shops The Young Women's auxiliary of the Winnetka Congregational church will have its next all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. Warren Agry, 711 Lo- cust road, Wednesday, October 10. Sewing for the Holiday Shops will be provided and members are asked to bring their luncheon. A large attend- ance is desired. Rehearse in Revue Miss Charlotte Picher and Miss Louise Badgerow, both of whom are debutantes of the season, now are busy rehearsing with other members of the Service club for the revue, "Zippity Zip" which is to be given shortly. Announce Patrons for Smith College Scholarship Ball The Smith ball taking place next Wednesday evening, October 10, at the Evanston Country club, under the aus- pices of the Evanston Smith College club, will have patrons and patron- esses from Wilmette, Winnetka and Glencoe as well as Evanston. The list includes: Mr, and Mrs. Graham Aldis, Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Atwater, Mr. and Mrs, A. Starr Best, Mr. and Mrs. Wililam Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert W. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Fran- cis M. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Park- er Davis, Judge and Mrs. Martin Grid- ley, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Healy, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Helm, Miss Ellen Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W. Huston, Mr. and Mrs. John H. S. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. MacGuire, Mrs. Fred- erick B. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Merrick, Mr, and Mrs. John W. O'Leary, Mr. and Mrs. Wilder O. Pickard, Mr. and Mrs. Kersey Coates Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. San- born, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Schweppe, Mr. and Mrs, Raymond W. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Loring Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. Rawleigh Warner, Mr. and Mrs. George Whip- ple, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Whitman, Mr.and Mrs. Arthur H. Woodward. The ball is held each year to se- cure funds to provide a scholarship at Smith college for some local girl and it is hoped that the entire amount necessary will be raised at this one affair. Cope Harvey conducting his own orchestra will provide the music for dancing and there will be bridge for those who enjoy that diversion more. Miss Mary Lois McMullen of Ev- anston is general chairman of the ball; Mrs. Lawrence Norem of Hubbard Woods has been in charge of pub- licity, Mrs. Manley S. Mumford, print- ing; Mrs. Ralph H. Maxson, music; Miss Virginia Helm, chairman of the house committee; Mrs. G. A. Bell, floor committee chairman; Mrs. J. H. Milne has charge of the refreshments and Miss Charlotte Sykes has taken care of the posters. To Marry Wednesday The marirage of Mrs. Jessie Craw- ford Barnes of 371 Walnut avenue, Winnetka to Homer Weed Chandler of Chicago will be celebrated very simply Wednesday, October 10, at the residence of Mrs. Barnes' son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Glaser of Glencoe. A bridal dinner for the immediate families will follow the ceremony. Mr. Chandler and his bride will spend a month motoring in the East before taking an apartment in the city for the winter months. Engaged Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Fyke of Cen- tralia, Ill. recently have announced the engagement of their daughter, Helen, to John Rogerson Montgomery, Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mont- gomery of 15 Green Bay road, Glen- coe. Miss Fyke is a graduate of Smith college. At present she is liv- ing in Chicago and is very active in promoting plans for the Smith College ball on October 10. Mr. Montgomery was graduated from Williams college in 1922 and from the department of law of the University of Chicago in 1924. Mrs. E. H. Ball, Jr., 361 Hawthorn lane, left last Monday for St. Louis to attend the Veiled Prophet ball which is the debutante ball which opens the social season in St. Louis. ab Se -- Fa EACRN 08