WINNETKA TALK October 20, 1928 Battery Service All Makes Recharging Rentals ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS REPAIRED Pennsylvania Gas--Oils Lubricating JONES Service Station EDDIE JONES Linden at Scott Tel. Winn. 1848 HUBBARD WOODS Motor Briefs (BY AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF ILLINOIS) A recent press dispatch from Lib- erty, Missouri, tells of a motorist and his wife being injured when their auto- mobile was struck by an airplane at a Kansas City airport. To climax the n- cidents the motorist was made defend- ant in a damage suit in which he was charged with "driving carelessly in front of an automobile." Damages a- mounted to $1,028. Chicago is soon to have an auto- matically operated garage. Seventy-five stories high which will be the world's tallest building when completed. No manual labor of any kind above the first floor is necessary, automobiles being placed in cages which will rotate up and down and be controlled by key held by the owner of the parked auto- mobile. The capacity is said to be 1,080. The Cape Girardeau bridge was for- mally dedicated and opened to traffic on September 3. Executives from many states attended the ceromonies and ex- IVING brilliant account of their modern design--in speed, acceleration and road- ability --the new 1929 Century models are everywhere winning acclaim for performance as scin- tillating as their style and beauty. Hupmobile mechanical excellence reaches new heights in the powerful Century Sixand Bighthigh compression engines. High speeds may be used with impunity, withample protection afforded by extra heavy crank- shaft, genuine Lanchester vibra- tion dampers and advanced lubrication. Steeldraulic brakes --with 1/s-inch dlearante eliminate drag or squeak, yet give instant control when needed. Hydraulic shock ab- sorbers and cam-and-lever stees- ing promote new riding and driving comforts. Make your own test--your own compari. sons of the Century's greatest values. Drive a new 1929 Cen- tury Six or Eight today. (] Forty-two body and equip- ment combinations, standard and custom, on each line. Six of the Century, $1345 to $1645. Century Eight, $1825 to $2125. All prices f. o. b. Detroit, NEW 1929 HUPMOBILE CENTURY SIXSPEIGHT GOULD C. DAVIS, Inc. 548 Lincoln Ave. Ph. Winn. 3090 ercises preceding the final completion of the Chicago-Memphis-Southwest short route. Motorists and parents alike, are warned to watch the youngsters as they trudge back and forth from school and to take every precaution to see that they are safe from harm. Keep them off the streets during playtime. If no playgrounds are available, any lot or back-yard is the next best thing. Between $200,000 and $300,000 in ve- hicle tax fees have been collected thus far as a result of the drive on delin- quent automobile owners by the police in their drive to compel mortorists to buy 1928 tags, that have neglected to do so. FUNNY HOW SOME MOTOR- ISTS WILI, TRY TO DODGE PAY- ING FOR THE USE OF STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, EXPECTING A FEW TO CARRY THE BURDEN OF FURNISHING THE MONEY. At a recent convention of optometri- sts held at Urbana, it was stated that 25 percent of all automobile accidents are caused by motorists having faulty eyesight, TRUCK SALES INCREASE New truck registrations in Septem- ber for Cook county showed a gain of 62.5 per cent over the corresponding month last year. Official returns from Springfield give a total of 652 for last month as compared with 401 in Sep- tember, 1927, Hupp Celebrates 20th Anniversary; 1928, Record Y ear Hupmobile is celebrating, and ac- cording to Gould C. Davis, Winnetka dealer, the most important milestone in industry's progress is marked off by the Hupmobile organization. "Hupmobile at the end of Decem- | ber will have registered the greatest year in its history" said Mr. Davis. "This is one reason for a celebration, but there is another for it is also the celebration of the twentieth annivers- ary of Hupp. A score of years ago the first Hupp was made. It was made in October, 1908 and the first sale chalked up in December. And to- day we have the greatest car we have ever made, the Century. Our record sales this year are ample evidence of the fact that it is a great car." VOTE AGAINST TOLL BRIDGES The legislative committee of the American Automobile Association has voted to support legislation by Con- gress designed eventually to abolish privately owned toll bridges. The committee pointed out that there are now 233 toll bridges in operation throughout the country which annu- ally take $118,000,000 from the pockets of the American motorists. Of this amount about $73,000,000 is paid to the private owners of toll bridges. Modernize Your Neighborhood With Concrete Streets Many well-built districts need up-to-date streets. The most modern and economical pavement is portland cement concrete. It is especially de- signed for motor vehicle traffic permanently smooth, hard, and safe. Does your neighborhood need new pavements? There is something you can do about it! Ask us for information. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 33 West Grand Avenue CHICAGO A National Organization to Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrete Offices in 32 Citlea