Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 20 Oct 1928, p. 67

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& WINNETKA TALK October 20, 1928 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS be charged only : Classified advertisements will General N otice to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are r subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or regula GLEWCOE NEWS. Rates-- Average of five words to the line 156 cents a line in one paper. 30 cents a line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHARGE §0 cents. No black face type used. 256 cents a line in any two papers. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. Deadline for Insertions-- Classified advertisements will cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for be ac- the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday § o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS WILLYS KNIGHT 1925 SEDAN, IN FALL CLEARANCE ; A-1 mechanical condition. $350. Tel. SALE Winn. 1824. 4TN33-1tp wo PRICED RIGHT 1926 Master Six 4 dr. Sedan, Gold Seal, $310 down payment. 1927 Master Six 5 pass. Coupe, low mile- age clean, Gold Seal, $400 down pay- 1928 aster Six Sedan, only run 5,500 miles, $400 down payment. asst Nash Six, 4 3 Sedan, very clean, 250 down pam 1927 5 pass. + by di. $370 down. 1927 Studebaker Big Six, 5 pass. Sedan, $320 down. WILL ACCEPT OLD CAR AS CASH TOWARD DOWN PAYMENT North Shore Buick Co. 1027 Davis St., Evanston Wilmette 3750 4LTN4-1te OUR THREE BEST SALESMEN THE CAR! THE PRICE! THE CONDITION! '25 Oakland , new tires ...... $295 Dodge Sedan, driven little ....... 425 '26 Studebaker Sedan, big six ...... 625 $26 Oakland Sedan ............:...... 485 '26 Oakland Coach, like new ......... 425 '25 Studebaker Sedan ................ 285 224 Nash Sedan, 7 pass. ........:.... 238 '27 Ford coupe "Ford Credit, immediate delivery Lake Shore Auto Sales 1010 Chicago Ave. Univ. 59 4LTN4-1te GOOD USED TRUCKS Dodge Ton: Panel ....:uw on te ps 65 Dodge ; Ton Sereen FRR mE RE gh Dodge on Panel:. i. .. cages Dodge Ron SCreen: :. ;- . «cous + vias 265 Dodge Ton Panel &.G. deve nea 275 Ford. 3 Ton Panel... ooerimnsa: oa 135 C. M. McDONALD DODGE MOTOR CARS 1019 Davis St. EVANSTON Wil. 224 4LTN4-1te A Used Dodge Sedan WILL RENDER THOUSANDS OF miles of economical transpo We rtation. WERSTED MOTOR CO. have a few in excellent condition. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 4LTN4-1te FOR SALE--VARIOUS REPOSSESSED auigmobiles at prices 259% less than lsewhere ; down payment $25 to $50, a in semi-monthly payments. Mo- tor Acceptance Co., Ph. University 1204. 4LTN4-tfe DETROIT ELECTRIC CAR DOUBLE drive, almost new, good batteries and tires, also charging outfit. 535 igo wi Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 1 LANi-1tp FORD TON TRUCK, STAKE BODY, 1925, A-1 cond.; rear tires new; $165, part cash. Tel. Winn. 397. 4LTN4-1 tp 4 PASS. DODGE COUPE; GD. SHAPE; $150. Will take Ford roadster as part. Tel. Winn. 397. 4LTN4-1te FOR SALE--STUDEBAKER _ SPECIAL 6--1925--5 pass. brougham. Bargain at $350. M. S. Kahn, Tel. Winn. 1967. 4T34-1tc 11 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING WM. OTTEN, MASON CONTRACTOR. New and repair work. Get our estimate. 27 INTERIOR DECORATING 57 HELP WANTED--MALE PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL AL- ways react to the appeal of beauty. A room is attractive when its lamps and shades are in perfect harmony. We study your home and carefully analyze YOUR lighting needs. Vases wired. GOODRICH STUDIO 632 Church St., Evanston Greenleaf 816 27LTN4-1tc 30 LOANS MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGES; NO COMMIS- sion. WINNETKA BLDG. & LOAN ASSN. 716 Elm St., Winnetka 30LTN4-3tc AUTOMOBILE LOANS, REASONABLE rates, immediate service. Motor Accep- tance Co., State Bank & Trust Co. Bldg., Evanston. Ph. University 1204. 30LTN4-tfc 35 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS C- MELODY SAXOPHONE FOR SALE. Tel. Winn. 1135. 35LTN4-1tc 39 PETS PEDIGREED DOBERMAN-PINSCHER pups. Championship strain. L. W. Schnitzer, Ph. Northbrook 116-J. Ph. Highland Park 3012. 11LTN3-2tp 391 TN3-2tp 17 DRESSMAKING PEDIGREED COCKER SPANIEL, male, 9 mo. old, beauty, cheap. Ph. DRESSMAKING ; CHILDREN'S Austin 9259. 39LTN4-1tp clothes ; all kinds of embroidery a Spe- - cialty. Call Miss Westerberg. Win 12 RADIOS 2574. 17T31- tte RADIO, FRIED-EISEMAN, 5 TUBE DRESSMAKING, REMODELING AND | set complete; storage battery, loud lain sewing by the day or at home. Ref. speaker, tubes, charger. $25. Tel. h. Greenleaf 1142. Please call evenings. TLTN4-1tc EXP. DRESSMAKER IN YOUR HOME. First class fitter. Kenwood 2707. 17LT4-1tp SE ------ i ---- 18 FERTILIZERS BLACK DIRT AND COW MANURE. Wm. Clarkens. Ph. Northbrook 225-R. 18TN33-1tp LC 20 GARDENING FOR SALE--HARDY PERENNIALS, 3 yr. old clumps at a very low price. Ad- dress P. O. Box 251, Highland Park, IIL. 20T33-1tp 25 INSTRUCTION INFANT'S NURSE Exp. nurse will care for and give instruc- tions by day, hour or week, on how to Winn, 2674. 42TN33-1tc 50 GENERAL REPAIRS UPHOLSTERING AND ALL KINDS repairing, sample shows guaranteed. Also do work in your homes. Ph. Wil- mette 3039. 50LTN4-1tp LIGHT COLORED MAN FOR HSWK. & DRIV- ING. MUST POSSESS MECHANICAL KNOWLEDGE & BE WILLING, CAPABLE & EFFICIENT. TO STAY ON PLACE. TEL. GLEN- COE 1324 FOR AP- POINTMENT. 57TN33-1tc 58 HELP WTD.--MALE AND FEMALE SALESMEN AND SALESLADIES FOR selling of the finest development on the North Shore. Call Glenview 224. Ask for Mr. Ritter. 58LTN4-1tc 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS washing and ironing to take home; will call for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 765-W. 60LT4-1tc FASHIONABLE MODISTE, exp. Musgrove. 14 YRS. in loop shop; $7 per day. Mrs. Ph. University 10257. 60LT4-1tp GERMAN WOMAN FOR COOKING, housework and laundry by the day. Mrs. Rock. Ph. Ardmore 1347. 60LT3-3tp WANTED WASHING TO TAKE HOME by experienced laundress. Will call for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 2130. 60LTN4-1tc MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WANTS place as housekeeper or gen. hswk. in sm. fam. Glencoe preferred. Tel. Glen- coe 614. 60LTN4-1tc EXP. PRACTICAL NURSE, GOO cook or maid. Ref. Ph. Glencoe 279. 60LTN4-1tp 55 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- WIRE HAIRED TERRIER puppy, white with black markings. Tel. Winn. 420 55T33-1tp FOUND--SAT., OCT. 13, A 14K. GOLD pencil on Elm St. Call Winn. 2469. ho 55T33-1tp LOST--POLICE DOG. MALE, NO QUES- tions asked, reward. Ph. Kenilworth 4266. 55LT4-1tc HELP WANTED--FEMALE 56 WANTED--HSWK. BY THE HOUR OR day. Tel. Winn. 1343. 60T33-1tp RELIABLE COLORED COUPLE ; chauffeur, maid. N. S. refs. Tel, Univ. 5061. - 60TN33-1tp EXP. NURSE GIRL WISHES STEADY sition caring for small children. For nformation call Glencoe 796. 60TN33-1tc BOOKKEEPER, STENOGRAPHER OR gen. office wk, Tel. Winn. 719. 60T33-1tc WANTED NEAT, COMPETENT, white maid for gen. hswk. & help care sare ad Latics weed in, bathing, 1 chile, Refs. 2 adults 5 Small houses an rE . 3 nsp. room a e nn 25LTN4-1tp 2428. 56LTN4-1te A FORMER COLLEGE TEACHER WILL | WANTED--A MAID TO COME IN BY tutor Algebra, Latin, Arithmetic,| the day to cook meals and do light Geometry, English, French and Ger-| housework. Small house in Winnetka. juan wi iam am, R oriow, Fe In applying, call Wilmette 258. ro €., - tio) 25 TNA 2tp 56LTN4-1te ¥YNG. GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF 2 TUTORING children afternoons. Tel. Glencoe 1466, JANE TRIGGS, B. A. WELLESLEY. Tutoring in grammar and high school subjects. Ph. Wilmette 3588. SSLT-4-2tc LADIES REDUCING--BEGIN WORK in the morning classes or private les- sons given by physical instructor. Call Highland Park 2006. 25TN33-1tp FANCY SMOCKING LESSONS, INDI- vidual or group instruction. Tel. Winn. 2114. 25L.TN4-1tc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27 INTERIOR DECORATING HOME SERVICE ALLOW ME TO REARRANGE YOUR FURNITURE, GIVING THE CHARM- ING AND BALANCED EFFECT YOU HAVE OFTEN WISHED FOR. FEE MOST MODERATE. PH. GLENVIEW 203. MYRTLE WARREN. 27TLTN3-4tc F. S. BRASOR ART STORE niv. 2TLTN4-16tp Run your Want Ad in Evanston, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 fami- lies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 56TN33-1te WTD., NEAT RESPONSIBLE GIRL OR woman, general housework and assist with care of 2 children. 933 Tower Rd., Ph. Winnetka 1394. 56TN33-1te SEVERAL NEAT APPEARING YOUNG girls for EF raleteria work ; experience not at once. Central Cafeteria, 131" a Ave., Wilmette. 56LT4-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST with housework, or mother's helper; 3 in family; good home. Ph. Wilmette 908. 56LL.TN4-1tc RELIABLE GIRL AS MOTHER'S helper or care for children evenings. Refs. Tel. Glencoe 179. 60TN34-1tc REL. MAID; HSWK.; COOKING; NO washing; steady pos.; refs. Tel. Greenleaf 3086. 60T33-1tp NEAT COL. WOMAN WANTS PLACE cooking in home. N. S. Refs. Tel. Drexel 8025. 60T33-2tp COLORED GIRL WANTS DAY WORK. Exp. Refs. Tel. Michigan 2519. 60T33-1tp NEAT COL. GIRL, PART TIME WK. Exp. care of chldrn. 2nd maid and mother's helper. Refs. Tel. Winn. 1016. 60T33-1tp WISCONSIN GIRL WISHES POSITION as nursemaid. H. S. education. Tel. Kenil. 3229. 60T33-1tp EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS day work. Tel. Winn. 2764. 60T34-1tc EXP. COOK; COOKING OR HSWK. BY day. Tel. Winn. 1723. 60L.TN4-1tp EXP, WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. Refs. req. ; no laundry; 2 children; good wages. Tel. Winn. 1350. 56LTN4-1tc WHITE WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework and cooking; small family. Ph. Wilmette 3617. 56. TN4-1tp 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SIT. WTD. BY GENERAL HANDY MAN willing to do any kind of work. Pre- fers to live on premises with his wife and child. German ; best ref. Ph. Glen- view 80-J. 61LT4-1tp WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. Ph. Wilmette 1472. 56LTN4-1tc EXP. WHITE MAID; GEN. WR. 4 adults. Tel. Winn. 2032. CS LAN 1tc 57 HELP WTD.--MALE Salesmen Wanted FOR PARTICULARS SEE MR. WOOD- cock at Wilmette Realty Co., 513 4th St. Ph. Wilmette 192, 5TTNL33-1te MAN FOR GENERAL WORK IN GAR- den. Ph. Winnetka 58. 57T33-1te WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. Cleaning woodwork or windows. Serv- ing & waiting table. Landscape work a specialty. Tel. Winn. 1657. PITT at WTD.--YARDS A TO COVER, CLEAN furnaces, wash basements and make fires. Ph. Wilmette 4721, Mr. Walker. 61LT4-1tp WANT WORK RAKING LEAVES AND odd jobs. Ph. Wilmette 2623. 61LT3-2te CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN,, wash cars, garden work. Tel. Winn. 1552. . 61T33-1tp

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