i (fa EE -- November 3, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Women Voters' News The November meeting of the Win- netka League of Women Voters, which will be held Monday, November 12, will be in honor of the new members who have joined the League during the recent drive. The "Know Your Precinct" idea will also be a feature of the meeting. Those attending the luncheon will be seated at their own precinct tables, over which the League precinct chairmen will preside as host- esses at their respective tables. In view of the fact that the precinct numbers have recently been changed and in some cases redistricted, the league presents the precinct map of Winnetka, which may be used as a guide to voters and to those attend- ing the meeting of the league. The program for the luncheon will be under the direction of the educa- tion committee, of which Mrs. Benja- min Pfeiffer is chairman. The speak- ers will be Floyd Goodyear, superin- tendent of schools, Chicago Heights, and Mrs. Maurice Lieber. The league will check the voters at the polls on election day. This work is in charge of Mrs. Ira Keller and the league precinct chairmen. The league checkers will co-operate with all partisan groups in furnishing them with the names of voters. The league membership drive with Mrs. Dudley K. French as chairman closed Saturday of last week. All during the past week memberships, both new and renewals, have been coming in so thick and fast that the leaders in league work believe that the results of past years will be sur- passed. The results of the campaign and the prize winners in the local contest will be announced at the No- vember luncheon, Mrs. R. S. Childs, chairman of the Sanitary District Affairs committee of the Council of Cook County Leagues of Women Voters, spoke over radio station WCFI, last Tuesday on the subject, "The Importance of the Sani- tary District." This was part of the regular radio program conducted by the Illinois League of Women Voters. The radio program is published from month to month in the Bulletin. The Illinois League of Women Vot- ers--believing that the great experi- ment of democracy is undergoing its searching test in the United States of America. That if we make democracy a suc- cess we need fear neither reaction nor social revolution : That in order to make it succeed, citizens must use their votes and use them intelligently: And believing that, in view of these facts, the addition of over 20,000,000 women to the electorate is of enorm- ous potential value to the country, be- cause: 1. They are conscious of ignorance and anxious to learn, and 2. They have so far no political habits and are therefore capable of acquiring good ones: The League of Women Voters has been organized for the purpose of de- veloping these new voters into a force for good government. --The Bulletin of the Illinois League of Women Voters. GIVES RADIO TALK Benjamin Buck, 544 Greenwood ave- nue, Glencoe, assistant superintendent of Chicago schools, spoke on adult education over the air at a radio pro- gram Wednesday, October 31, at 4:45 o'clock, which the principals' club sponsors each week. Remove Unsightly Posts, Help the Needy, Is Plea Edgar Crilly, of 375 Sheridan road, has a novel plan for adding to the beauty of the village and at the same time helping the needy. In a letter addressed to Fred Sargent, president of the Chicago and North Western railway, recently he suggests that the unsightly posts along both sides of the North Western right of way in Win- netka which once supported fences be removed and turned over to the poor for fuel this winter. Mr. Crilly rec- ommends that the improvement be made from Winnetka avenue on the south to Tower road on the north. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bartholomay, 631 Blackthorn road, left last Tuesday for Rochester, N. Y. to attend the golden wedding festivities of Mr. and Football Team to End Season With a Dance The Winnetka Football team, which has been making such a splendid re- cord in scoring touchdowns this sea- son, announces that another big event is in store for local fandom, when the team promises to make a still better score, Thursday evening November 22, this time at Community House, at 9 o'clock. This is the date of the annual foot- ball dance. Russ Lundquist and his orchestra have been engaged, the ticket selling is in full swing and the local fans are being urged to turn out and lend their support, just as they have in a most appreciable manner at the games every Sunday. Mrs. George Chatterton left Thurs- day for her home in Springfield after T he TOWER COURT Flower Shop Cut Flowers Potted Plants Landscaping Perennials Shrubs -- Evergreens WM. H. SMITH, Prop. Tower Court Building 894 Linden Ave. Telephone 3174 Winnetka Mrs. Edwin Bausch. They returned | visiting her daughter, Mrs. Henry A. home yesterday. Yates, 96 Church road. AT -- BE ---- -_e ---- Fresh Dressed Spring CHICKENS 9 ALAC | Ye 796 Elm Street--Winnetka Offers the Following for SATURDAY NOVEMBER 4th Genuine 1928 LEG-LAMB MEAT MARKET 35° Boneless i RIB ROAST of Beef 45° Wapsie Valley BUTTER Brick 51° 1928 Spring Boneless Leg Lamb 29- Lean Young PORKLOIN 4: Fresh Long Island DUCKS 38° HAMS Swifts The Premium Q1),c Winnetka's Exclusive to 34c Best Cut POT ROAST Milk Fed LEG-VEAL 6-7 Ib. av. WAPSIE VALLEY DISTRIBUTORS Teleph : Telephones: Wit ore A The Most of the Beast for the Least WINNETKA 4 and 333 We Deliver 796 Elm Street PALACE MEAT MARKET 3 We Deliver