52 WINNETKA TALK November 3, 1928 Smoke Screen From Fire on Street Causes Crash Smoke from burning leaves was re- sponsible for a serious automobile ac- cident which occurred about 4 o'clock last Saturday afternoon in front of 656 Lincoln avenue, and in which Mrs. John V. Guthrie, of 730 Walden road was painfully injured. According to the report of Officer Charles Bemus the Guthrie car was parked at the curb where it was struck by a car driven by Harold Ettinghau- sen, whose vision was obscured by the smoke from burning leaves near by. The front of both cars were crushed. Mrs Guthrie was severely cut about the face and was removed to the resid- ence of S. 0. Rice, in front of whose place the accident occurred, where her injuries were dressed by Dr. Frederick Christopher. National D. A. R. Officer Entertained in Winnetka Mrs. Samuel Earle, mother of Mr. and Mrs, S. Edwin Earle of 467 Lin- den avenue, who has been a guest at the Earle home since her return from a summer in Europe, left Wednesday, October 24, for her home in Washing- ton, D. C. Mrs. Earle is recording secretary general of the Daughters of the American Revolution and was one of the speakers at the luncheon given by the General Lafayette chapter of the D. A. R. in Westminster hall at Atlantic City recently. When in Eng- land she attended a meeting of the U. S. D. of 1812. Mrs. W. P. Sidley, 739 Humboldt avenue, left last Friday for New York where she is visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Sidley. Ever Greater Grows its fame Weeks of service have only intensi- fied public appreciation for this most wonderful of trains--you, too, will marvel at the completeness of its provisions for your comfort. THE NEW NORTHWESTERN LIMITED Finest train in the world CHICAGO-ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS NORTHBOUND Lv. Chicago. ....... 6:30 p. m. Lv. Evanston ..... 6:49 p. m. Davis St. Lv. Milwaukee. .. . . 9:00 p. m. Lv. Highld Pk. (a) 7: Ar. St. Paul § Ar. Minneapolis... 7:35 SOUTHBOUND Lv. Minneapolis... 8:00 p. m. Lv. St. Paul....... 8:40 p. m. Ar. Milwaukee.... 5:50 a.m. Ar. HighPd Pk. (b) 7:45a.m Ar. Evanston ..._ 8:12 a. m. Davis St. Ar. Chicago 8:35 a. m. (a) Stops on signal to receive passengers for Eau Claire and heyond. (b) Stops to discharge passengers from Eau Claire and beyond. The Shortest Route--the Lake Shore Water Level Line TICKET OFFICES E. E. Orner, Ticket Agent, Wilmette, IIL Phone Wilmette 4 F. W. Anholt, Ticket Agent, Winnetka, Ill. Phone Winnetka 13 J. N. Faueett, Ticket Agent, Glencoe, IIL Phone Glencoe 47 CHICAGO & 535B THEY ARE FOR HOOVER State W. C. T. U. Gives Endorsement to G. O. P. and Raps Al Smith Emphatic endorsement of Herbert Hoover's candidacy for president of the United States, a deriding of the statements on the liquor question made by Gov. Alfred E. Smith in course of his campaign, and a mes- sage of sympathy and appreciation sent to Mrs. Mabel Willebrandt, were high points in the proceedings of the state organization of the W. C. T. U. during its annual convention sessions in Evanston last week. The 250 delegates, meeting at the First Methodist church, denounced Gov. Smith's views on prohibition, the national president, Mrs. Ella A. Boole, making a vigorous speech refuting his claims. During the convention sessions there was selection of the Illinois delega- tion to the annual convention of the national organization to be held in Boston Nov. 14 to 22. The delega- tion expects to participate at that time in a tremendous celebration for pro- hibition victory after election, Miss Helen L. Hood of Evanston was re-elected president of the state organization, and Miss Epha Marshall of Evanston was re-elected corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. Etta Root Edwards of Pinckneyville was elected vice president, Mrs. M. D. Rosenthiel of Freeport, recording secretary, and Mrs. L. Belle Goodman of Champaign was made treasurer. Entertains at Dinner for Speaker at Meeting Among the guests at the dinner which Mrs. Francis I. Lackner, 339 Linden avenue, gave before the Re- publican mass meeting Friday evening, were Mr and Mrs Ralph Hobart, John Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welles, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sherman, Mrs. Frank T. Crawford and Miss Edith Kohlsaat. The guest of honor was Frederick Steiwer, United States Sena- tor from Oregon, one of the principal speakers at the mass meeting. CORRECTION WINNETKA TALK regrets it stated er- roneously that the Guilford R. Windes had moved to 456 Drexel avenue, Chi- cago. Their new address is 456 Drexel avenue, Glencoe. Mrs. Orval Simpson, 865 Auburn road, entertained the Children's Danc- ing club at her home last evening. Put your faith in the men who have proved their ability and trust- worthiness! These Democratic nominees are pledged to complete the world's greatest sanitary without special assessment on any HENRY A. BERGER Ald.R WOOD! improvements property owner! fs Ald. Ross A. as Sanitary District Trustees T. J. CROWE JAMES M. WHALEN HENRY A. BERGER --and to fill Vacancy WOODHULL