14 WINNETKA TALK November 24, 1928 The Charles McNies, 260 Forest ave- | PREACHES IN KENILWORTH Frederick E. Clerk PIANO INSTRUCTION nue, who have been spending the fall The Rev. Herbert W. Prince, rector oF id % . in California, arrived home Thursday.'| of the Church of the Holy Spirit in W rites on Studies F | Lake Forest, will conduct the services . N ' BAR Aum 1 MADAME 2) in the Check o the Holy Corntorser, in Europe S Schools -- | Keni worth, Sunday mornmmg, INovem- is 2 Roy ny 22 . z 1 American Conservatory CAROLINE FANCHON | ber 25. The Rev. Leland H. Danforth, | Miss. abe bel deer. Serny : will open a rector of the Church of the Holy Com- | Principal of New gh -3¢100% Chicago FRENCH CLASS forter, will be away from the village | has received several letters from Supt. Announces the opening of a for children | on Sunday. Frederick E. Clerk, who is on a six Winnetka Studio Wednesdays. Thursday and Saturday = -- ee erin months' tour of Europe studying sec- Also--Classes for Ladies Mrs. Clarence Washburn of Elyria, | ondary education. Following is an ex- 787 Foxdale Avenue Monday and Friday | Ohio, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, | cerpt from one of Mr. Clerk's recent Dela. 9762 Winn. 2366 Address-- | Warren Lamson last kveekend, but | letters: 372 Hawthorn Lane, Winnetka [ found it necessary to return to her "I will bunch all my German visits i ---- tet ets mts eeme meee & | home Tuesday. except Trier. That I will make about =] - 735 ELM STREET "Wear-Ever"' ALUMINUM ROASTER Eckart Hardware Co. WINNETKA PHONE 843 and 844 I will stay at the Hotel Porta Nigra. Isn't that interesting? "TI have done about all I can in Switzerland so I leave here with Mrs. Clerk November 9 for Paris. I will spend about a week there at the Min- istry of Iducation and visiting schools. From there we will go to London to see Miss Bell and the schools there. From England we will cross to Brus- sels where I will take in the De Croly School and the Ministry of Education. From Brussels we will make a pilgrim- age to Trier where we will pay homage to the Porta Nigra and try to get a good picture of it. From thence we will return to Geneva for the holidays which will be spent after Christmas Day in the mountains at Grundelwald where they have winter sports. After the holidays I will make my tour of schools in Austria, Czechoslovakia and Germany. I ought to have a book full by that time. "Tell Ash that the New Trier delega- tion in Geneva gave three long yeahs! for the team when we learned the Waukegan score and a Swiss cop wanted to know what it was all about. Imagine telling him in French!" Winifred Ward Directs Skokie Children's Play On Wednesday afternoon, December 12, the children of Winnetka will have the opportunity of seeing at the Skokie school, a real play for children. Under the direction of Miss Winifred Ward of the Northwestern university School of Speech, the Children's the- ater of Evanston will present "The Wizard of Oz" with a cast composed of both children and adults. This play is similar in type to those presented here so successfully last year by the Chicago Junior League. "The Wizard of Oz" is being given under the augpices of the Nursery School board of the Winnetka Wom- an's club. Proceeds from the perform- ance will go towards the work of the Winnetka Nursery school. December 15. HOLD REUNION Members of Illinois' famous war troops, the 33rd division, held their second annual reunion on November 17 and 18 at Springfield. Several thousand veterans who formerly wore the insignia of a yellow cross on a black field were present. Among the north shore men who were present gvere Walter J. Fisher of Winnetka, Col. Abel Davis of Glencoe, and Col. John V. Clinnin of Glencoe. The BUDDY °'L' Line Quality Toys For Xmas Every BUDDY "L" plaything is spot welded and riveted to- gether, and finally finished with lustrous baked-on auto enamel. E. B. TAYLOR CO. HARDWARE 546 Center St. Phone 999