bit ! PT -- November 24, 1928 WINNETKA TALK fm, 65 Pioneer Edifice "For Sale" Lehle Photos UILT fifty years ago, this historic tall-spired church of the Evangelical Association, at Dundee and Saunders roads, has been vacant for some time. The Association, a branch of the Meth- odist denomination, has a new church nearby. The congregation has been in existence for nearly a century, the doomed edifice being the third of the four struc- tures that have thus far served the com- municants. At the right is illustrated the chancel of the church. In the foreground is a beautiful solid walnut alter rail still in perfect condition after its half-century of service. Inthe background isa remark- able painting depicting the "Open Book" surrounded by a golden crown and flanked by a shock of ripened grain, the vine and clusters of ripened fruit. Fail to Agree on Phone Franchise in Winnetka The Illinois Bell Telephone com- pany and the Village of Winnetka ap- pear still to be deadlocked in the matter of the proposed new franchise, accord- ing to a report made to the Village council by Trustee Carl J. Easterberg, chairman of the Public Utility com- mittee, Tuesday evening. He reported recent conferences with the company had again failed in reach- ing a basis of agreement, particularly with reference to the amount of free telephone service to be granted the village. The franchise of the Illinois Bell Telephone company in Winnetka ex- pired four years ago. Mrs. Ayres Boal, 701 Sheridan road, returned home last week-end after visiting her sons, Stewart and Thomas, who are attending Harvard. a Tee, Mrs. William G. Hibbard Goes East for Meeting Mrs. William G. Hibbard will leave tomorrow for New York City where she will attend the Woodrow Wilson Foundation dinner which will be given Monday night at the home of Henry Morganthau. The purpose of the din- ner is to award the prize for the great- est contribution of any person toward the betterment of international rela- tionships. The other members of the board, beside Mrs. Hibbard and Mr. Morganthau, include Newton B. Baker, president, Hamilton Armstrong, Bernard B. Baruch, Edward W. Bok, Norman H. Davis, Raymond B. Fos- dick, William B. Scott, Nelly E. Wooley, Carter Glass, Roland S. Mor- ris, George W. Norris, Franklin B. for Thanksgiving A bouquet of showy red, white and yellow chrysan- themums is an inexpensive yet elegant way of spreading Thanksgiving joy and cheer. beautiful and our prices moderate. Our blooms are supremely We make a specialty of delightful table bouquets for decorating the Thanksgiving table. JOHN Evanston Store: 1614 Sherman Ave. University 502-8607 Florist WEILAND Wilmette Store: 1161 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 2128 New Clothes For Cleaning Costs There's another season's wear in your clothes if you'll have them cleaned and pressed by our super- ior method. We take out spots, brighten colors and completely renew your garments. Our scientific process is odorless and is harmless to the most deli- cate fabrics. 1152 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 320-321 Plant Phone: Wilmette 781 Evanston Phone: Greenleaf 6660 Roosevelt, and Carolin Ruutz Rees Ll i oie SR aia