Friday August 10th Ellie, Jo & Nadine with help from Mary Hammell cleaned up the Horseshoe men's club and put it in order to hold the Square dance to raise money for the shingles for the roof of the Museum. Boys put on Soffitts and facia boards on porch and also started those for the main building. General clean up from inside of building. Dump runs made. Raining roday as well. Hipe it's a good evening tomorrow for the square dance. We need a good turnout. Tacked the last of the posters and finished making tickets for square dance and the side of bacon that was donated. Saturday Aug 11th Prepare last minute things for square dance (ie) making change. Arranging sandwiches. Locating box for tickets. Getting musicians set up before dance. People started arriving for dance right at nine o'clock. At first we all had our doubts as to whether or not the dance would be a success. However when the musicians arrived, who I might add were all volunteers, our