Associated Image(s) - Soldiers of the First World War - CEF - Library and Archives Cana... Page 2 of 3 ; iC ak @ ee © - ae . See _ ~ - 12GTHLOVERS oO, me ECRLION QUESTIONS TO BE PUT BEFORE ATTESTATION. (ANSWERS), 1. What is your name?...<4. 2. In what Town, Township o what Country were you born 3. What is the name of your next-of-kin?.......... oo What is the address of your next-of-kin?..._/ 4. 5. What is the dateg#f your eo Lae = 6 Bo . What ia your Trade or Calling? ~} . Are you married? PoESeTTee Tere tee ree eter eet terete eres eter Terres a Are you willing to be vaccinated or re- I os 9 Do you now belong to the Active Militia?........ 10. Have you ever served in any Military Foree?.. If ea, state particulars of former Servica, 11. Do you understand the nature and terms of FOU CNPADOMONGT 6 8 ss cas isis 12, Are you willing to be attested to serve in the) Canaplan Ovar-Suas Expspimonwary Forcg?f Ug Ede hy a, Vil eed......(Bignature of Man). Se = PE, Li eeperine SF DECLARATION TO BE MADE BY MAN ON ATTESTATION. | Loe , Anh bebe Bthes Dots do solemnly declare that the above auswers made by me to jMe above questions are true, and that I am willing to fulfil the engagements by me now made, and I here#y engage and agree to serve in the Canadian Over-Seas Expeditionary Force, and to be attached to any arm of the service therein, for the term of one year, or during the war now existing between Great Britain and Germany should that war last longer than one year, and for six months after the termination of thas war provided Hig Majesty should so long require my services, or until legally discharged. ra itpess). — oe er uy. (Signature of Recruit) Oho PRP GEAG. eeu (Signature of Witness) QATH TO BE TAKEN BY MAN‘ON ATTESTATION. P es . fx, : ; 1 Aad gaa Litiebaseea.f, eel do make Oath, that I will be faithful and bear true Allegiangé to His Majesty King George the Fifth, His Heirs and Successors, and that I will as in duty bound hgfestly and faithfully defend His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, in Person, Crown and Dignity, against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of His Majesty, Mis Heirs and Successors, and of all the Generals and Officers set over me. So help Co . 4 Date... , as fe oe Pa - 3 Ss Y j CERTIFICATE OF MA The Reeruit above-named was cautioned by me that if he made any false answer to any of the above duly entered as replied to, and the said Reeruit has made ration and taken the oath before me, at... td boa te Go BPP heres BOIS, hfe rernenssrrscsor ORY OF... Ltr ce Otter BC fa... 191 reenact ; (Signature of Justice) Zé ¢ “PRL puicagis AISELE 13/05/2013