The commission reads:
Isaac Brock, Esquire, President, administering the Government of the Province of Upper Canada, and Major General Commanding his Majesty's Forces therein, &c &c &c. To (handwritten) Donald McDonell, Esquire ~~~ (end hand writing) Greeting. Reposing especial Confidence in your Loyalty, Courage and good Conduct, I do hereby appoint you to be (handwritten) Captain in the Second Regiment of Glengary Militia~~~~~(end) during pleasure, and of which (hand) Alex. McDonell, Esq. (end) is (hand) Lieut. Colonel --(end) you are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of (hand) Captain ~~~ (end) by exercising, and well disciplining both the inferior Officers and Men of the said Militia.-- And you are to observe and follow such Orders and Directions as you shall from time to time receive from me or any other your superior Officer, according to Law. Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms at (hand) York (end) this (hand) fifteenth (end) Day of (hand) April---(end) in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and (hand) twelve (end) and in the (hand) Fifty second (end) year of His Majesty's reign. (signed) Isaac Brock, Presdt. By His Honor's (sic) Command, (signature illegible)