Friday, january 23 - 300 Series, continued SESSION #314 MTCC/206F 3:30 PM- 5:00 PM OPLA TIME AND STRESS: How TO RESEARCH AND WRITING IN THE TRANSITION YEARS iJ SESSION #318 MTCC/201A 3:30PM-5:00PM OSLA MAKE THEM WoRK FOR You SPEAKER: joanna Hastings, Community Health Nurse, Peel Health By recognizing the physical and psychological effects of stress and learning the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, participants will be well-positioned to familiarize themselves with the steps required to manage time effectively and identify personal goals and priorities. LIMIT 40 participants. CoNVENORS: Anne Murphy, lvlississauga Library System; Trisha Kluge, Mississauga Librmy System SPEAKER: Hugh Robertson, Author and Retired Teache1; Ashbury College In an age of technological acceleration and information overload, students need clearlydefined pathways to cl1ait their way mrough a myriad of activities. Teacher-librarians play a key role in developing skills and in shaping a school policy on research assignments. O/i/s) iJ iJ #319 MTCC/202C OSLA SESSION iJ iJ #315 MTCC/202B 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM OSLA SESSION SCHOOL-BASED VIDEO RESOURCES: COLLECTION BUILDING 1 Education and Training cuniculum developments at both me elary level. Teacher-Librarians will be important to their i m ation . (This session does not deal with differentiated staffing as trst announced.) mt rl;:t}-~~·Oin SPEAKER : Pauline Weber, Directo-r of Ma-rketing, Magic Lantern Communications Ltd THIS IS A REPEAT OF SESSION # 116. SESSION #320 MTCC/201E 3:30PM-5:00PM OSLA #316 MTCC/202D 3:30PM-5:00PM OSLA SESSION A NEW ToMoRRow FOR TEACHER·LmRARIANs SPEAKER: Reg Deneau, 1997 OSLA President As the advocacy wheel turns, teacher-librarians are receiving different THE TATL PROJECT: AN IN-SERVICE PROJECT FOR TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT OF TEACHER LIBRARIANS levels of support at the local level. What is the real impact of the Fewer School Boards Act? Where are the success stories' (general) SPEAKERS: joan Bowness, Libra1 y Media Facilitatm~ Mona Moreau, Teacher-Librarian, Du-rham Boa-rd ofEducation Using the "Train the Teacher" model, joan and Mona update teacherlibrarians to be technological leaders, placing d1em on the leading edge of technology. (general) NEWEST AND BEsT BooKS FOR ELEMENTARY ScHoOLs t6 lilt ~ SESSION #321 MTCC/203B 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM ~ OSLA/OPLA iJ SESSION #317 MTCC/201B 3:30 PM· 5:00 PM OSLA SPEAKER: Judy Sarick, President, Children 's Bookstore, Toronto The best children's books published in 1997, reviewed with insight and a liberal sense of humou r. STUDENTS "SHOW AND TELL" FOR STATISTICS CANADA SPEAKER: Dianne Clipsham, Merivale Secondary School, Nepean; Ann Hamilton, Merivale Secondmy School, Nepean; joel Yan, Statistics Canada Panicipants will leam how grade 9 students can study Canada's population using StatsCan's ptint and elecu-onic resources in integrated units developed co-operatively by me speakers in mamematics and geography. 0/i) CATEGORIZING DocuMENTs ON THE WEB t6 II ~ ~ SESSION #322 MTCC/203D 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM OLITNOPLA SPEAKER: Wendy Duff, Assistant Pmfessor, Faculty of information Studies, University of Toronto; Lynne Howarth, Dean, Faculty of Information Studies, University of Toronto L earn what metadata is and how it is being used. Hear about the Dublin Core metadata programand other attempts to categorize documents on the Web. Leave the session with ideas for exploring the use of metadata in your own library. CoNVENOR: Anne Donnellan, Oshawa Public Library --------------------------- -- -- -- -- - - ---- 33 -----------------------------------------