eeting FRIDAY, jANUARY OCU IA Annual Meeting CP I CALEDON RooM PRESIDING: Susan Moskal, President 1997 23, 1998 ONTARIO Pusuc LIBRARY AssociATION OPLA Annual Meeting CP I BALLR OOM B PRESIDING: Linda Linton, 1997 President 5:15PM· 6: 30 PM ONTARIO CoLLEGE AND UN!VERSilY LmRARY AssociATION OCUlA has had a busy and successful year. Please come and join in discussions about this year's activities and plans for the future. This is your opportunity to discuss issues and concerns with your colleagues and provide direction for OCUIA Councillors. Your new President, Vivian L ewis, will offer her perceptions and her plans for the coming year. After the meeting, join your colleagues at our special reception for the 1998 OCUIA Award winner, Dr. Gloria J. L eckie. ONTARIO LIBRARY AND I NFOMIATION TECH NOLOGY AsSOCIATION Come help us celebrate the achievements of the past year. Discuss the imperatives that are shaping the work ahead and hear how the resolutions discussed at the Association Policy Forum are giving direction to your Council. This is your first opportunity to meet Bany Holmes as your new President as well as to talk with your newly elected representatives for 1998. Help them determine the substance of the work of your Association this year. We hope to see you there! ONTARIO ScHOOL LIBRARY AssociATION OU TA Annual Meeting MTCC I RooM 206C PRESIDING: Sonia Lewi s, Presidentl997 OSLAAnnual Meeting MTCC I RooM 2030 PRESIDING: Reg Deneau, 1997 hesident You are invited to participate in discussion of OUTA's major initiatives this past year, from development of an electronic database licensing co-operative to continu ing education. 1998 President Sue Medhurst will explore future directions for the Association. Come provide your perspective on OLITA activities such as the Cyberport and regional programs. We look fmwa rd to seeing you at our AGM! ONTARIO LIBRARY TRUSTEES' AsSOC IATION Teacher-librarians remain at the crossroads after a turbulent yea r. Your Association continues to work on the issues that offer us op portunity even as they threaten our position. Be an active member and attend this meeting. You will hear how OSIA has been working on your behalf and have the opportun ity to support coming lobbying efforts. You and your fellow members will discuss the key issues affecting you and your librmy information cenu·e. 1998 President Mark Kaminski will outline the programs being given priority this year in response to these needs. Be there! L'AsSOCIATION DES BIBLIOTIIECAIRES FRANCOPHONES DE [ 'ONTARIO ABFO Reunion Amm elle CP I CIIAMB RE WENTWORTH PrulsmENT: Jacques Presseault, Pnisident 1997 OLTA Annual Meeting MTCC I RooM 206A PRESIDING: Hilary Bates Neary, President 1997 At the Association Policy Forum in November, the future direction of OLTA was discussed at length. Now that Bill109 has been withdrawn and funding to public libraries restored, our future activity rakes on new urgency. We must continue to show that the faith shown in us is well-fo unded. Yo ur Council will report on the year that was and your new President, Edmundo Vasquez will point to the year ahead. The OLTA Annual Report, which will be distributed at the AGM, contains a draft overview of the next OLTA Strategic Plan. Be part of the discussions and decisions that move us all fOlwa rd. Nos buts/97 etaient d'etablin une bonne fondatio n comme division de I'OlA et le recrutement pour I'ABFO. V enez discuter les buts pour 1998 et faire la connaissance de votre presidente 1998, Olga Beaulieu, et les conseilleurs nouveaux. RECEPTION GRADUATE PROGRAM OF LIBRARY AND I NFOMIATION SCIENCE, University of Western Ontario MTCC I RooM 205B Alumni, friends and potential MLIS and PhD students are invited to an info rmal reception. A good opportunity to find out what is happening at Western. Light refreshments will be served. The OIAStore THURSDAY, jANUARY LOCATION Main Lobby of the METRO ToRONTO CoNVENTION CENTRE STORE HOURS Thursday, January 22 Friday, January 23 Saturday, January 24 4:00pm ·7:30pm 8:00 am · 9:00 pm 8:00 am · 5:00 pm across from the Main Registration Desk AUTHOR SIGNING SCHEDULE Au Autographing will take place at the Autographing Tables at the OLA Bookstore, except on Thursday evening: John R alston Saul's book Reflections ofa Siamese Twin will be on sale at the event, and autographs will be signed at the table. 22, 1998 fRIDAY, jANUARY 23, 1998 SATURDAY, jANUARY 24, 1998 7:30pm K eynote Speaker: john Ralston Saul 8:30am Margaret Cannon, Roy MacGregor 8:30am Shelly Tanaka, Eric Walters 10:45 am joan Bodger, Barbara Greenwood 10:45 am Linda Granfield, jan Bourdea-Waboose, Norn1an Kestar 3:15pm Brenda Clark 3:15pm r-;:--..;; K ~ ar.;. en ;;,Reczuch, jane Springer, Eric Walters