1flffiur§dl2ly JJ 2lmlU2lry 2li Welcome to the Ontario Association's From 7:15a.m. I capadte a rechercher et a partager de !'information. Pour les bibliothecaires dans tous les secteurs d'activite, les travailleurs intellectuels et les professionnels de !'information. President d'atelier: Yvon Leonard, President d'ABFO 1999. IBreakfast ~ @~ OCULA CP Oakville 8:45 am-10:00 am USER FRIENDLY TECH-ED FOR "LATE ARRIVERS" Maureen Connolly, Lome Adams, Dept. of Physical Education, and Tom Craig, Women's Studies, Brock University. Two self-confessed "late-arrivers" and one "early-arriver" to computers will help librarians who design and deliver beginner workshops on information technology understand what is needed to provide other "late-arrivers" with educationally satisfying and personally empowering workshops. Convenor: John Kerr, University of Guelph. A GALA OPENING NETWORKING BREAKFAST CP Ontario Room Meet your friends, compare notes about the sessions you plan to attend, arrange how you can meet to discuss what you are seeing and learning. And even win a prize! Library SUPER CONFERENCE 1999 Canada's most valued, most attended library event! n y aura des tables au petit dejeuner pour les delegues francophones. Venez rencontrer vos pairs et discuter de ce qui se passe ou des sessions auxquelles vous allez assister. Vous gagnerez peut-etre un prix! $1 Q. PER PERSON/PAR P E RS O NNE. Some tickets avai l ab le at the door. ~ @&) OCULA MTCC Rm 104C 8:45 am-10:00 am ROLE vs. POSITION: SHARING LEADERSHIP Kathryn Deiss, Senior Program Officer for Training and Leadership Development, Office of Management Services, Association of Research Libraries. Effective leadership has deservedly had much attention in our literature over the last decade. Now, however, we see an increasing interest in the issues of vision creation, decision making, and problem solving within teams and groups. In the team environment, individuals move much more freely in and out of a leadership role, but cannot afford to be passive even when following. What are the qualities and skills of an effective follower? How do we develop these in ourselves and encourage them in other team members? When do we follow and when do we lead? Join an international consultant in library organization to find answers to these questions, and enhance your team functioning. Convenor: Angela Madden , Queen's University 8:45a.m. Sessions 101-117 ~ @~ MTCC Rm 206E ABFO 8h.45 a IOh. LES LIMITES DES CONTRATS DE LICENCE: LE POINT DE VUE DU FOURNISSEUR D11NFORMATION Mauricio Fernandez, Vice-President Edition, CEDROM-SNi. Cet atelier renseignera les bibliothecaires et les chercheurs sur !'incidence qu'ont les droits d'auteur sur leur 15