From 7:15a.m. THE SUNRISE BRE~ICF~ST 8:45a.m. sessions ®®~ ABFO CP Simcoe Hands-on Computer Session sh4s a. I7his CATALOGAGE DES PUBLICATIONS ELECTRONIQUES SUR INTERNET Nathalie Ebacher Bibliotheque nationale du Canada. ~ THE 1999 ~ SILVER BIRCH AWARD w WINNERS um&wrn umrno~rnp rnwo© W&G:,urnw~ THE 1999 RED MAPLE AWARD WINNER rn&'VQ,rn csworn~rnoo Crowne Plaza Ballroom B Some 50,000 children across Ontario voted for their favourite Canadian books this past spring. On May 13, Grade 7 and 8 students announced the Red Maple Award winner, and on June 11, Grade 4, 5 and 6 students presented their vote results in exciting, jam-packed ceremonies. The winning authors will share their reactions to these events. These are the children's choices- the ultimate readers' statement about Canadian books! Convenors: Carrie Raybould, formerly Peel District School Board; Katherine Palmer, Toronto Public Library. $12 per person. Some tickets available at Registration. Cette session a pour but d'acquerir des notions permettant de cataloguer les publications electroniques sur Internet et de presenter les problemes et les questions souleves par le catalogage de ce type de publications. En matinee, la partie theorique presentera les regles pertinentes selon RCAA2R (chapitre 9), ISBD (ER) et le format MARC. En apres-midi, la partie pratique permettra aux participants d'appliquer concretement les notions apprises en visionnant et en cataloguant certaines publications. Clientele visee: Specialistes de !'information qui ont une connaissance prealable du catalogage et d'Internet. Prerequis: Connaissance de Windows NT (ou 95) et du format MARC. President d' atelier: Yvon Leonard, President de 1' ABFO 48 ON T ARIO LI B RAR Y ASSO C IATIO N