JANET KAUFMAN OCULA's Award for Academic Librarian olthe Year Prc5entotoon 615 pm Th.n·daY Meet her 115 pm Tlusday Hall c ROSEMARY BONANNO Ol:TA's W.J. Robertson Medallion as Publ ic Librarian of the Year Presentatoon 8 00 pm 'v\led'lesday Meet her 12.00 pm Tlusday Hal c (f) (1) . CARMAN DIX OPI.A's Jam('s Rain Medallion as Public Library Trustee of Year Presentatoon 8 00 pm V\'ed'lesday Meet hrn 12 45 pm Tlusday Hall c -co co ~ 4-.1 JANIS TAYLOR OSLA's Librarian of the Year Presentation 515 prn Tlusday Meet her 1200 pm Fnday Han C ~ ::l PAULA DE RONDE OI.A's Olstinguish<>d Service Award Presentat101110 30 am Fnday Meet her 12.30 pm Th.xsday Ha~ c THE FACULTY OF INFORMATION STUDIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO its 75th anniversary in 2003 Attend the Thursday opening session hououring lOS years of library educat ion at the Universities ol Toronto and W<>stern Ontario with FIS alumna PHYLLIS YAFFE. c 0 0> SHARON WILSON OPLA Children's Ser vices Award Presentatoon 1030 am Friday Meet her 115 pm Friday Hal C 1953 () -o c co (f) (1) JOE CARLINO OSLA'!: Award to the School Admini~trator olthe Year Pr~P.ntatlon 515 pm Tlvsday Meet her 1230 pm Fnday Hall C .~:.~ ···· ·····.~~ ... 0 . ·.. ~ .. . o · 'f r; · · ~~ .:j (f~ .. . . ;) -i . .. \q~?.:.~~OJ · ~;;·.. 50 '""t;r ..... · · ···· ··· ~6 .·· "' .·:Z . . . .,...r,) 2003 44) ELIZABETH KNIGHT JANICE SCAMMELL Award lor Outstanding Achievement Prcscntotoon 515 pm Thu'sooy Meet them 1230 Thi.Xsday Hall C OSLA'~ THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA its 50th anniversary 1n 2003 The fabulous program at the l.ihrary and ArchivE's of Canada Pavilion (p. 28, and the Roch Carrier/Ian Wilson Session II 117 are part of the celebration. E - () 0 JOHN LORINC OLA's Sweet Apple Award Presentatoon 2 1 5 pm lhlrsday Meet hm12 45 pm Fnday Hall C -o co ~ ~ ROCH CARRIER OLA l'resident's Award lor Exceptional Achievement Pt esentatoon 215 pm Tlusday Meet hm at the Ubrary a1d Archves of Canada Pavm CHARLES BAILEY OLA President's Award for E:'<ceptlonal Achievement Presentatoon 1030 am Frday co ...c ~ (1) 0 VAUGHAN PUBLIC LIBRARIES OUTA's Award for Technological Innovation PrcscntDtoon800 pm ~ Meet them 515 Fnday OLITA AGM THE SILVER BIRCH AWARDS READING PROGRAM its 10th anniversary in 2003 Pick up your !()..year list of nominees and winners from this program now emulated from coast to coast. TheOLA Reading Program:; lwvc their own booth in Hall C. ··························································· dynamic members produce dynamic leadership 9