K e y n o te S e S S io n S KEYNOTE SESSIONS | 15 #OLASC16 | LibrAry LAb: The iDeA iNCUbATOr Keynote Sessions ThuRSDAy, 9:00 am - 10:15 am | mtcc105 Bonnie Brooks, vICE ChAIRMAn, hUDSOn'S BAY COMPAnY with special greetings from Dr. Guy Berthiaume, Librarian and Archivist of Canada. Bonnie Brooks was appointed Vice Chairman of Hudson's Bay Company on February 2, 2014. Hudson's Bay Company is the world's oldest continuously operating company which owns and operates Saks Fifth Avenue and Lord and Taylor in the USA, and Hudson's Bay department stores in Canada. Prior to her current role, Bonnie was President of Hudson's Bay Company since 2012 (heading up Hudson's Bay and Lord and Taylor USA) and from 2008 to 2012, was CEO and President of Hudson's Bay (90 Full-line Department Stores) where she led the company's recent successful turnaround. Bonnie has spent her career building and repositioning fashion and luxury retail businesses across the world. Prior to joining HBC in 2008, she spearheaded the revitalization of another iconic retailer, Asia's Lane Crawford. FRiDAy, 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm | mtcc105 Wab Kinew WRITER, JOURnALIST, ASSOCIATE vICE PRESIDEnT FOR InDIgEnOUS RELATIOnS AT ThE UnIvERSITY OF WInnIPEg Wab Kinew (pron: WOB ka-NOO) is a one-of-a-kind talent, named by Postmedia News as one of "9 Aboriginal movers and shakers you should know". He is the Associate Vice-President for Indigenous Relations at The University of Winnipeg and a correspondent with Aljazeera America. In 2014, Wab successfully defended Joseph Boyden's The Orenda on CBC's Canada Reads literary competition. In 2012, he hosted the acclaimed documentary series "8th Fire". His hip-hop music and journalism projects have won numerous awards. He has a BA in Economics, is completing a Masters degree in Indigenous Governance and is a member of the Midewin. Wab is also an Honourary Witness for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Wab recently authored his first book, The Reason You Walk. Join us for a book signing after this session! Brought to you by The Library Marketplace. @WABKINEW Treasure Mountain Canada Keynote DAvID CAMEROn | FRIDAY, 6:30 PM AT JOE BADALI'S RESTAURAnT David Hagen Cameron is the Research Director at People for Education. He is an educator and education policy sociologist with research interests in school change and the interrelationship between educational policy intentions or design and peoples' experiences within policy frameworks. David has twenty years of experience working in the school systems of Ontario, U.S. and U.K. Most recently, David worked as a senior researcher within the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat at Ontario's Ministry of Education. David believes that P4E's work in support of an enriched and vibrant public education system in Ontario is critical to the continued success of an outstanding public education system. You must be registered for Treasure Mountain Canada to attend. See page 83 for more information on Treasure Mountain Canada.