Th u r s d a y , Ja n u a r y 28 THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 | 39 #OLASC16 | LibrAry LAb: The iDeA iNCUbATOr THURSDAY SESSION ROOm NUmBERS Harnessing Storytelling and Emerging Technology to Drive Projects and Ideas ICTC Ontario Hatching Open Access Journals: Hands-On Experience Creating & Publishing a Journal with Open Journal Systems MTCC 202A Health Libraries Lightning Rounds MTCC 206A Hosting a Maker Fair in your Library Learning Commons MTCC 104A I Found My Dream Job, But It's Not in a Library: Stories From The (Out)field ICTC Caledon The IL Incubator: Exploring Information Literacy Skill Gaps in Secondary School Curricula and Postsecondary Research Expectations MTCC 206D Impact, Attention, Influence? Potential Use of Altmetrics in Academic Libraries MTCC 202D Improve Batch Cataloguing at Your Library: MarcEdit to the Rescue MTCC 206F Indigenous Language Revitalization Part 1: Language Programming for the People by the People... MTCC 201E Indigenous Language Revitalization Part 2: The Support that Libraries Can Give MTCC 201E Ink On Our Hands: Plotting the Map of Canada's Integrated Digital Scholarship Ecosystem ICTC Humber Inquiry Based Learning and One to One Technologies: The K-12 Learning Commons Experience ICTC Caledon Introducing a Mozilla Club to Your Library Offsite MOZILLA Introducing the Canadian Cloud Library EXPO IdeaHUB Investigating BIBFRAME MTCC 206F La Littérature Franco-Canadienne, une Littérature Branchée MTCC 206C La Transformation des Bibliothèques Scolaires au CECCE ICTC Wellington Learning Commons Lightning Round MTCC 103 Leveraging Libraries to Serve Ontarians with Print Disabilities MTCC 203A Library and Archives Canada: Current Directions ICTC Ontario LIS Education in Canada: Panel Discussion with Deans and Directors ICTC Kingsway The Lonely Library Worker: Bridging Communication Gaps MTCC 206F Looking to Host an Author or Illustrator? IdeaHub Stage Marketing Your Library Through Outreach: Tips and Tricks That Work MTCC 104D Marx Meets Maslow: the Needs-Based Public Library MTCC 206C Mentoring the Max Power Way MTCC 206D Merchandising Makeovers--Using Collection Analysis and Visual Merchandising Skills to Effectively Promote Collections MTCC 202D The Mobile Special Collections and Rare Books Reading Room MTCC 201F OCULA Lightning Strikes MTCC 202A ocula spotlight: redefining learning for a networked World with Caroline haythornthwaite MTCC 104B Open Access Scholarship in the Library Lab: Generating Interactive Online Resources for Faculty... ICTC Oakville OPLA Spotlight: Jason Griffey iCTC Ballroom A SESSIOn TITLE ROOM nUMBER