40 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 Th u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 8 For inFo and updaTes, download The app aT biTly.com/olasc THURSDAY SESSION ROOm NUmBERS Picking the Best Project in a World Full of Great Ideas MTCC 202D Pop Ups and Podcasts… Innovative Ways to Support Informal Learning MTCC 202D The Power of Persuasion: Developing Influence at Your Library, Community and Provincial Levels ICTC Ballroom B Prisons and Libraries: A Relationship Worth Incubating MTCC 206B The Public Libraries Act for New Board Members MTCC 203A Rainbow Bridges: Ryerson's Community Building with the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives ICTC Grenadier Reach Out and Read: Partnering with the Medical Community to Promote Early Literacy ICTC Humber RECESS in the library! Experimenting with Partnerships On-Campus Through Stress Busters MTCC 206D SECRETS: Seven Authors Share Their Collaborative Writing Project. MTCC 201D Serving Multicultural Communities in 21st Century MTCC 206A Speed Networking MTCC 203B STEM Education: Full STE(A)M Ahead @YOUR Library MTCC 206A T4L Showcase MTCC 104B The Thing About Failing: Exploring a Research Assignment for Re-Admitted Students ICTC Humber Using Data and Stories for Advocacy MTCC 201CD Using Graphic Novels in Special Libraries MTCC 202A Using Nearpod to Enhance Interaction in Information Literacy Instruction ICTC Niagara Walk A Mile Film Project MTCC 201F We Are Tech Workers! Cultivating a Library Technoculture ICTC Caledon What is That? Using Primary Sources to Generate Inquiry ICTC Niagara What's Wrong With My Pie Chart!? Developing a Data Visualization Program from the Ground Up MTCC 206B With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Ethical and Legal Frameworks for Libraries as Creators, Publishers, and Hosts of New Information MTCC 103 Yes! We're Ppen! Using Open Data Sources to Promote Geospatial & Data Literacy MTCC 202B SESSIOn TITLE ROOM nUMBER Download the Super Conference App! The free Super Conference app is designed to provide you with access to all conference activities! All conference speakers and bios Access to the #OLASC16 Twitter stream Program schedule with real-time updates Learning objectives for all concurrent sessions Participate in conference games Poster session information Conference and session evaluations Exhibitor listings and descriptions Visit bitly/olasc to download the app THURSDAY RECEPTIONS ALUMNI San Jose State University MeeT & Greet 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM ICTC, Azure Bar Western Alumni Reception 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Joe Badali's 156 Front St W. iSchool Alumni Reception 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Baton Rouge Restaurant 277 Front St W. $15 at the door