Th u r s d a y , Ja n u a r y 28 THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 | 41 #OLASC16 | LibrAry LAb: The iDeA iNCUbATOr 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | EXPO FLOOR OLA STyLE LOuNGE Drop by the style lounge all day for a personal style refresh! We've got a professional stylist giving you feedback and advise on wardrobe ideas; hair and makeup consultants giving you quick touch-ups and finally a professional photographer to snap your new headshot (because bathroom selfies have no place on LinkedIn!). Thursday 10am-4pm | EXPO FLOOR OLA LOUNGE BRANDiNG AND MARKETiNG CONSuLTS Book an individual consultation with Jamie Hardie Partner / Strategist at Hardie and Company Advertising. With firsthand experience working with a variety of Library systems, he can help you launch a new project, explore new ideas, and truly make a difference. Sign-up on the website. • • • • 10:30 am - 11:10 am | mtcc 104d 2015 PuBLiC OPiNiON ABOuT PuBLiC LiBRARiES iN ONTARiO Carol French, Market Probe Canada What do Ontarians think and know about public libraries? The Federation of Ontario Public Libraries (FOPL) commissioned a public opinion poll of Ontarians in 2015. Come hear the results, conclusions and recommendations. Convenor: Stephen Abram, FOPL boards & governance | statistics | measurement | libraries 2025 THURSDAY SCHEDULE vICE ChAIRMAn, hUDSOn'S BAY COMPAnY Bonnie Brooks was appointed Vice Chairman of Hudson's Bay Company on February 2, 2014. Hudson's Bay Company is the world's oldest continuously operating company that owns and operates Saks Fifth Avenue and Lord and Taylor in the USA, as well as Hudson's Bay department stores in Canada. FiND OuT MORE on page 15 9:00 Am - 10:15 Am | mTCC 105 KEYNOTEBONNIE BROOKS TO YOGA 7:15 AM - 8:00 AM MTCC 105/106 STAGE AREA Download the Super Conference App! The free Super Conference app is designed to provide you with access to all conference activities! All conference speakers and bios Access to the #OLASC16 Twitter stream Program schedule with real-time updates Learning objectives for all concurrent sessions Participate in conference games Poster session information Conference and session evaluations Exhibitor listings and descriptions Visit bitly/olasc to download the app THURSDAY RECEPTIONS ALUMNI San Jose State University MeeT & Greet 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM ICTC, Azure Bar Western Alumni Reception 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Joe Badali's 156 Front St W. iSchool Alumni Reception 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Baton Rouge Restaurant 277 Front St W. $15 at the door WHAT'S Registration Desk mtcc main lobby opens at 7:30 am, closes at 5:30 pm Career Centre MTCC 201B opens at 9 am, closes at 5 pm mtcc 205b opens at 8 am closes at 5:30 pm formerly the OLAStore SUPEREXPO opens at 9 am closes at 5 pm AWARD PRESENTATION OLA Les Fowlie Intellectual Freedom Award Dorothy Macnaughton INTRODUCTION OF 2015 and 2016 OLA Board of Directors OLA LOUNGE With special greetings from Dr. Guy Berthiaume, Librarian and Archivist of Canada. 10:30 am -11:10 am