42 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 Th u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 8 For inFo and updaTes, download The app aT biTly.com/olasc Thursday schedule 10:30 am - 11:10 am | mtcc 206b 3d GEospatial data Visualization in librariEs Marcel Fortin, U Toronto This session will provide an introduction to 3D tools and data. A demo of the capabilities of 3D visualzation will be provided and the requirements for 3D data-modelling in libraries will be discussed. Convenor: Sarah Simpkin, U Ottawa technology | open data | g.i.s. 10:30 am - 11:10 am | mtcc 206f ADvENTuRES iN ELEARNiNG DEvELOPMENT AND DESiGN: RESuLTS AND BEST PRACTiCES Caleb Domsy, Adam Weissengruber, Amy Weir, Humber C Driven by a passion for eLearning and experimentation, Humber Libraries has assembled a team with the capacity to create engaging research modules and tutorials. Discover how our team has transitioned from 'dreaming up' ideas to launching a successful collection of eLearning resources and assets. Convenor: Fiona Inglis, Mohawk C college & university libraries | e-learning | design 10:30 am - 11:10 am | mtcc 201d AN ACADEMiC LiBRARy'S CONTRiBuTiON TO STuDENT SuCCESS WhiLE ADDRESSiNG DiSRuPTivE BEhAviOuR Lorraine Busby, Memorial U This case study traces the successes and limitations in contributing to learning outcomes of a student who is autistic and exhibiting disruptive behaviours in an university library. Consideration is given to the issues, behaviours, and early attempts to deal with complaints and frustrations of all parties involved. Convenor: Kevin Tanner, Western U college & university libraries | workplace safety 10:30 am - 11:10 am | ictc grenadier AN iNTRODuCTiON TO PROSPECT RESEARCh iN ThE ChARiTABLE SECTOR Tracey Church, Research & Consultant Services Prospect Researchers are analysts and profilers of individuals, corporations, and foundations who have the capacity and affinity to give major gifts to charities. The skills needed in this field over- lap a great deal with those used in library sciences. Because of this, charities recruit many researchers from MLIS programs. Convenor: Sarah McCabe, Ontario Historical Society special libraries | prospect research | fundraising 10:30 am - 11:10 am | mtcc 204 BOARD GAME PALOOzA! Colin harkness, Carleton U; Emma Cross, Carleton U After the success of Game Zone at the 2015 OLA Super Conference, the team from Carleton University is back with a full session on board games and libraries. Learn more about how board games are used in teaching and learning at Carleton University; cataloguing board games with RDA; and library programming with board games. Convenor: Pam King, U Toronto technicians | gaming | collections 10:30 am - 12:00 pm | ictc haliburton BOOTCAMP FOR ENGiNEERiNG & APPLiED SCiENCE LiBRARiANS Angela henshilwood, U Toronto; Cristina Sewerin, U Toronto; Michelle Spence, U Toronto This session will provide librarians working or interested in the engineering field with subject-specific information presented by engineering faculty or professionals. Session topics may include a primer on engineering design, engineering research data management, and a look at the big questions engineers are trying to answer. Convenor: Michelle Spence, U Toronto college & university libraries | engineering 10:30 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 104b ChOOSiNG TO WALK A PATh: LiBRARy SERviCES WiTh iNDiGENOuS PEOPLES ON PuRPOSE Monique Woroniak, Winnipeg PL This session will share key concepts related to understanding the role public libraries can play in serving and celebrating indigenous peoples, as well as the successes and challenges faced by a public library in a city with a large indigenous population. aboriginal | partnerships | outreach 10:30 am - 11:10 am | mtcc 201e CONDEMNED -- NOW WhAT? Jennifer La Chapelle, Clearview PL; Michele McKenzie, Clearview PL We will use our own building disaster as an example of what to do when your building (or part thereof) is declared structurally unsound. We will even take you down the road of unexpected mould remediation, and cover everything from identifying the structural problems to finding the funds to fix them. Convenor: Glenda Newbatt, Essa PL boards & governance | space design 10:30 am - 12:00 pm | ictc kingsway DEFiNiNG ChARACTERiSTiCS OF A LEARNiNG COMMONS Carol Koechlin, Treasure Mountain Canada; David Loertscher, San Jose State University School The Learning Commons is always in a state of beta on the climb to excellence. Although there is no clear destination point or end to the journey, there should be defining characteristics we can use to consider progress and set goals for improvement. school libraries | learning commons 10:30 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 103 DEvELOPiNG SuCCESSFuL iNquiRERS Melissa Tom, Halton DSB; Lori Tsotsos, Halton DSB; heather Stones, Halton DSB Come explore ways to teach your students the key skills required for them to become successful inquirers. Participate in hands- on activities that will help your students and teachers better understand the inquiry model. Convenor: Amanda Halfpenny, le Conseil Scolaire Viamonde school libraries | inquiry | collaboration 10:30 am - 11:10 am 10:30 am - 12:00 pm