Th u r s d a y , Ja n u a r y 28 THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 | 43 #OLASC16 | LibrAry LAb: The iDeA iNCUbATOr ThUrSDAy SCheDULe 10:30 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 202a hATChiNG OPEN ACCESS JOuRNALS: hANDS-ON ExPERiENCE CREATiNG AND PuBLiShiNG A JOuRNAL WiTh OPEN JOuRNAL SySTEMS Mark Weiler, Wilfrid Laurier U; Gabriela Mircea, McMaster U; Tim Ribaric, Brock U Attendees will get a chance to develop their knowledge of the Open Journals Systems (OJS). We'll open the hood of OJS and go through: starting a journal, populating it with content, and exploring other features of the system. We'll also have discussions about the library's role in the publishing process. Bring your laptop. Convenor: Jessica Leslie technology | scholarly communication | open access 10:30 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 206a hEALTh LiBRARiES LiGhTNiNG ROuNDS Mary McDiarmid, Ontario Shores Centre; Sandy iverson, St. Michael's Hospital; Natalia Tukhareli, Rouge Valley Health System A small panel of individuals will each do a 15 minute lightning round presentation to inform the audience about something unique, creative, or out of the ordinary that they have done in their library. This session will feature presentations from solo staffed and multi-staffed health libraries. Convenor: Rachel Couban, DeGroote Institute health | innovation | creativity | programming 10:30 am - 11:10 am | mtcc 104a hOSTiNG A MAKER FAiR iN yOuR LiBRARy LEARNiNG COMMONS Sarah Massecar, Toronto DSB Activate your Learning Commons by organizing a Maker Fair for your school community. Learn about the maker movement and how hosting a Maker Fair can galvanize your students and colleagues. Convenor: Lynn Wisniewski, Halton DSB school libraries | maker | s.t.e.a.m. | inquiry 10:30 am - 11:10 am | mtcc 202d iMPACT, ATTENTiON, iNFLuENCE? POTENTiAL uSE OF ALTMETRiCS iN ACADEMiC LiBRARiES Shannon Gordon, U Waterloo; Lauren Byl, U Waterloo This session will give participants a basic understanding of the evolving field of altmetrics, what they are, who provides them, and a balanced perspective on their advantages and disadvantages. This session will also educate attendees about how altmetrics can be used by academic libraries, faculty, and researchers. Convenor: Elizabeth Yates, Brock U college & university libraries | altmetrics | assessment 10:30 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 206f iMPROvE BATCh CATALOGuiNG AT yOuR LiBRARy: MARCEDiT TO ThE RESCuE Marina Morgan, Mohawk C; Linda Day, U Guelph; hana Storova, U Guelph This interactive and informative session will highlight many basic and advanced MarcEdit tools and techniques; key features that will help you join and split MARC files; batch process records with regular expressions; and RDA Helper. This session will focus on using MarcEdit, a free software for processing library metadata. Convenor: Ian Bigelow, Georgian C general | cataloguing | metadata | marcedit 10:30 am - 11:10 am | ictc humber iNK ON OuR hANDS: PLOTTiNG ThE MAP OF CANADA'S iNTEGRATED DiGiTAL SChOLARShiP ECOSySTEM (iDSE) Kimberly Silk, Canadian Research Knowledge Institute (CRKN) IDSE is CRKN's project to advance research in Canada by mapping opportunities to align stakeholders and providers around shared objectives. The presenter will give an update on current initiatives and discuss opportunities for collaboration where CRKN can support and advance current and new initiatives. Convenor: Sheila Larocque, U Toronto college & university libraries | scholarly communication | collaboration | digital scholarship 10:30 am - 11:10 am | ictc caledon iNquiRy BASED LEARNiNG AND ONE TO ONE TEChNOLOGiES: ThE K-12 LEARNiNG COMMONS ExPERiENCE Jane Burlanyette, Hamilton Wentworth DSB; Theresa Price, Hamilton Wentworth DSB As part of the HWDSB one to one iPad pilot project, teacher- librarians from K through 12 are aiding staff and students in moving across inquiry-based learning. We will share our experiences in this unique transformation and educational approach. Convenor: Sue MacLachlan, Hamilton Wentworth DSB school libraries | inquiry | collaboration OPLA SPOTLIGHT 10:30 am - 12:00 pm | ictc ballroom a Jason Griffey, Evenly distributed llc Libraries have put a lot of effort over the last 5 years into reinforcing their place as a creative space within their communities. From innovative programming to physical space redesign to the implementation of Makerspace tools, libraries are in the midst of redefining themselves to their patrons. But we aren't using these same tools and efforts to make ourselves better. This talk will outline the current and near future state of the library as a tool for change, show how we could be applying these same tools to improve ourselves, and finish by looking at the projects like LibraryBox and Measure the Future in this context. Convenor: Sandi Burgess, OPLA President FIND OUT MORE on page 16 10:30 am - 11:10 am 10:30 am - 12:00 pm