Th u r s d a y , Ja n u a r y 28 THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 | 45 #OLASC16 | LibrAry LAb: The iDeA iNCUbATOr ThUrSDAy SCheDULe Nearpod has allowed us to better engage students and gather meaningful feedback. Convenor: Matt Rohweder, George Brown C college & university libraries | instruction | technology • • • • 11:00 AM - 11:25 AM | expo floor IDEA HUB 20 NEW BOOKS iN 20 MiNuTES Maria Martella, Tinlids Come hear Maria Martella from Tinlids present a rapid -fire book talk on her favourite new children's books. Picture books, fiction, graphic novels and non-fiction that you won't want to miss! 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 104 10 ThiNGS yOu ShOuLD KNOW ABOuT COPyRiGhT Mark Swartz, Queen's U; Michael Ciccone, CELA; Sam Cheng, Sheridan C As library collections continue to shift to electronic, and digitization projects become more and more common, it is more important than ever for librarians to understand copyright law and its application to our work. This session is intended as a basic introduction to copyright for librarians. Convenor: Ann Ludbrook, Ryerson U general | copyright | licensing | e-resources 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | ictc humber BEyOND "EMBEDDED" -- iNFO PROS iN ThE BuSiNESS Shaunna Mireau, Field Law; Wendy Reynolds, Ontario Legislature Special libraries have been embedding reference librarians in operational teams to great effect. What happens when they are deployed to lead, rather than support, operational programs? In this talk, you will hear from two information professionals who have gone beyond embedded and are now leading significant operational initiatives in their respective organisations. What experience, skills and attitudes have they used in transitioning to these new challenges? How did their respective careers prepare them to move out of the library and into the business? Convenor: Kay Samuels, WeirFoulds LLP special libraries | careers | professional development 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | ictc caledon BiBLiOMETRiCS AND ThE MODERN ACADEMiC LiBRARy: A uNiquE CROSS-CAMPuS PARTNERShiP AT ThE uNivERSiTy OF WATERLOO Jana Carson, U Waterloo; Shannon Gordon, U Waterloo As one measure used to capture research productivity trends, and elements of research impact, the University of Waterloo recognizes bibliometric measures as an important piece of evidence-based research assessment. Join these speakers to learn how bibliometrics help capture their university's research productivity and impact. Convenor: Martha Attridge Bufton, Carleton U college & university libraries | assessment | data | partnerships 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | ictc ontario BuiLDiNG yOuR CASE FOR A KNOWLEDGE SPACE: hOW TO BuiLD A LiBRARy LAB Nancy Birch, U Guelph-Humber; Christopher Popovich, U Guelph- Humber We will discuss our experience with getting a library lab approved and built. We will also offer advice on identifying needs, researching the project, drafting a proposal, and shepherding the proposal once it is submitted. Convenor: Lauren Orav general | learning commons | advocacy 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 201e ThE CARL CORE COMPETENCiES: ThROuGh A NEOLiBERAL LENS Jennifer Soutter, U Windsor This session will offer an understanding of professional identity in the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) context; an opportunity to share and have a conversation about who we wish to be as professionals. What is most important to you as a professional? Bring your answer to this session. Convenor: Sharon Munro, U Windsor college & university libraries | competencies | professional identity 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 206c ThE ChANGiNG LANDSCAPE OF CiTATiON MANAGEMENT TOOLS: yORK uNivERSiTy FACuLTy & STuDENTS SuRvEy RESuLTS Rajiv Nariani, York University Do our science faculty and graduate students use citation management tools? What features do they use most often? An online survey helped librarians promote the important features in freely available citation management tools. It has helped in understanding their needs and strengthening relations with our faculty and students. Convenor: Peter Duerr, York U college & university libraries | research | collaboration | citation 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | ictc oakville DRuPAL + xML: PROTOTyPiNG A DiGiTAL huMANiTiES TOOL mike serafin, U Toronto; Lauren Di Monte, North Carolina State U This presentation outlines how we used Drupal and TEI encoding guidelines for XML to create an extensible online reading and research tool that has the potential to supplement and improve access to a variety of library texts. Convenor: Sarah Simpkin, U Ottawa technology | digital scholarship | development 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 104a ENGAGE TEENS WiTh NARRATivE: TRuE CRiME WiTh A TWiST! Larry Swartz, OISE Classroom teacher, consultant, author, and speaker Larry Swartz 11:20 am - 12:00 pm ideahub programming