46 | THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 Th u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 8 For inFo and updaTes, download The app aT biTly.com/olasc Thursday schedule will present his resource guides for Lorimer's Real Justice Series. Alongside school librarian Sarah Spencer, he will introduce librarians to this free resource and discuss how they can work with teachers to use the books and activities in the classroom. school libraries | readers' advisory | y.a. resources 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 206d ThE iL iNCuBATOR: ExPLORiNG iNFORMATiON LiTERACy SKiLL GAPS iN SECONDARy SChOOL CuRRiCuLA AND POSTSECONDARy RESEARCh ExPECTATiONS Colleen Burgess, Western U; Gordana vitez, Niagara C In this session, the research team will present our findings from conversations (surveys, focus groups, interviews) with high school teachers, first-year faculty, school librarians, academic librarians, and first-year students about the perceived gap in student readiness for research at the postsecondary level. Convenor: Heather McTavish, Dufferin Peel Catholic DSB school libraries | information literacy | education 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 206f ThE LONELy LiBRARy WORKER: BRiDGiNG COMMuNiCATiON GAPS Alexandra Mills, Hastings and Prince Edward DSB It's common in library systems to have library professionals spread out in different branches. Although necessary, it can feel very isolating to not have regular interactions with your co-workers. We will explore how to develop communication through blogs, social media and other methods. Mandissa Arlain, Ryerson U technicians | communication | solo librarian 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 202d PiCKiNG ThE BEST PROJECT iN A WORLD FuLL OF GREAT iDEAS heather Buchansky, U Toronto; Rita vine, U Toronto The library world is full of great ideas. How do you pick the best one? How do you decide which idea is worth your scarce and valuable time? In this presentation, we will share how we think about and research great ideas for campus-wide library initiatives to achieve the best possible outcomes. Convenor: Maryse Laflamme, U Ottawa college & university libraries | project management 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 206b PRiSONS & LiBRARiES: A RELATiONShiP WORTh iNCuBATiNG Kirsten Wurmann, Winnipeg PL; Allison Sivak, U Alberta; Julia Schneider, American School Ulaanbaatar Canadian library professionals are supporting prisoners' rights to read, learn, and access information. This is done through prison librarianship, association work, and other innovative ways to engage with our community members who are in prison. Join our national panel to learn more. Convenor: Jess Whyte special libraries | literacy | community partnerships 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | ictc grenadier RAiNBOW BRiDGES: RyERSON'S COMMuNiTy BuiLDiNG WiTh ThE CANADiAN LESBiAN AND GAy ARChivES Kevin Manuel, Ryerson U; Alan Miller, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives; Al Stanton-hagan, Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives As a collaboration between a librarian from Ryerson University Library and the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, this online teaching and learning tool about LGBT+ histories is open to the public and provides an example of working with a volunteer -based organization to support and foster community building and diversity. Convenor: Heather Saunders, Nipissing U college & university libraries | diversity | collaboration | collections | lgbt 11:20 am - 12:00 pm | mtcc 201cd uSiNG DATA AND STORiES FOR ADvOCACy Stephen Abram, Federation of Ontario Public Libraries (FOPL) Hear about FOPL's analysis of public library system performance from 2011-2013 as well as the 2015 public opinion poll of Ontarians attitudes about our services. We have new opportunities for telling the library story. Convenor: Tanis Fink, Seneca C boards & governance | advocacy | trustees | storytelling | libraries 2025 • • • • 11:30 am - 11:55 am | expo floor IDEA HUB iNTRODuCiNG ThE CANADiAN CLOuD LiBRARy James Lorimer, Lorimer Children & Teens The Canadian Cloud Library is a new resource for school libraries offering online access to 200+ books on Canadian history for both tablets and computers. Users can search for content across the whole collection. The collection is available on a subscription plan, which offers unlimited multiuser access at all times to all books. Explore this resource on the IdeaHUB stage (EXPO floor)! 12:00 pm - 12:25 pm | expo floor IDEA HUB WhAT'S NEW iN 2016 WiTh PROquEST Mary Beth Perrot, ProQuest ProQuest's unique resources and range of content and technology solutions connect researchers and information seekers with unlimited opportunities to discover, grow, and thrive. Join us in the theatre to hear about the latest in content, technology, and digital resources that ProQuest has to offer your institution in 2016. POSTER SESSIONS 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM | BELOW THE ESCALATOR, LOWER LEVEL MTCC. SEE PAGE 53 FOR MORE INFO 11:20 am - 12:00 pm ideahub programming