#OLASC | ALL IN. | LE TOUT POUR LE TOUT.100 | SUPER EXPO S U P E R E X P O EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Booth #305 SILVER BIRCH® AWARD see FOREST OF READING® Booth #605/607 SIMON & SCHUSTER CANADA 166 King Street East, Suite 300 Toronto, ON M5A1J3 T: 647-427-8882 F: 647-430-9446 www.simonandschuster/ca Facebook: simonandschustercanada Twitter: @SimonSchusterCA Jacquelynne.Lennard@ simonandschuster.ca Jacquelynne Lennard Booth #T8 SIMPLYMAP 244 5th Avenue, Suite 2316 New York, NY 10001 T: 888-845-5064 F: 866-212-8001 www.geographicresearch.com/ simplymap Facebook: simplymap Twitter: @SimplyMap sswartz@geographicresearch. com Steven Swartz SimplyMap is an award-winning web-based mapping and data analysis application. SimplyMap has all the data you need to answer key research questions, make sound business decisions, and understand the demographic and economic conditions for any geographic area in Canada or the United States. Explore SimplyMap today! Booth #719/721 SIRSIDYNIX 3300 North Ashton Boulevard Lehi, UT 84043 T: 801-223-5200 www.sirsidynix.com tradeshows@sirsidynix.com Rachell McConkie SirsiDynix, together with libraries, helps communities thrive by connecting people with resources that educate and inspire. Through library management technology and search and discovery tools, libraries using SirsiDynix technology bring relevant resources and the power of knowledge to their users. Booth #317 SPECTRUM EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES 150 Pony Drive Newmarket, ON L3Y7B6 T: 416-458-4832 FT! www.spectrum-nasco.ca mmiles@spectrumed.com Michelle Miles Booth #731 SPRINGER NATURE 233 Spring Street New York, NY 10013 T: 212-460-1500 F: 212-460-1700 www.springernature.com exhibits-ny@springer.com Booth #118 STAY CONNECTED 41 estoril Candiac, QC J5R6T5 T: 514-979-6944 www.stayconnected.co alaberge@stayconnected.co Alain Laberge Booth #532 STEM VILLAGE 1 Yonge Street, Suite 1801 Toronto, ON M5E1W7 T: 416-684-3289 FT! www.stemvillage.com Facebook: stemvillage Twitter: @STEMVillage mark@stemvillage.com Mark Applebaum Finally a Canadian-based solution for innovative libraries to add an online component to STEM programs and resources! Come see STEM Village's Co-Founder and CEO share "Best Practices for Online STEM Learning and Outreach" Wednesday @ 1PM in the conference, and at the EXPO IdeaHub Thursday @ 1pm, or visit us for a live demo at booth 532. Booth #337 TAYLOR & FRANCIS 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850 Philadelphia, PA 19106 T: 215-625-8900 F: 215-606-0050 www.tandfonline.com Stacy Stanislaw Booth #T15 THE INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY 379 Thornall Street Edison, NJ 08837 T: 732-321-5575 F: 732-321-5702 www.theiet.org csuhrcke@inspecinc.com Chris Suhrcke Booth #518 THE LIBRARY CORPORATION 1 Research Park Inwood, WV 25428 T: 304-229-0100 F: 304-229-0295 www.tlcdelivers.com jwinterbottom@tlcdelivers.com Jim Winterbottom The Library Corporation (TLC) is a family-owned company that was founded in 1974 to serve libraries. That same family continues its mission today serving more than 4,500 libraries worldwide with TLC's innovative Web-based, touch- screen-optimized library automation and cataloguing products - all backed by an unparalleled level of customer support and assistance. Booth #328/330 THE PERSONAL INSURANCE COMPANY 3 Robert Speck Parkway Mississauga, ON L4Z3Z9 T: 888-476-8737 www.thepersonal.com/ola Facebook: thepersonalinsurance Twitter: @thepersonalinsurance robert.cherubino@thepersonal.com Robert Cherubino The Personal offers the members of the Ontario Library Association access to exclusive group rates and discounts designed to help you save more on home and auto insurance, along with customized coverage and dedicated teams to support your needs. Booth #520 THIEME PUBLISHERS 333 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10001 T: 212-584-4708 FT! www.thieme.com adam.bernacki@thieme.com Adam Bernacki