FOR INFO AND UPDATES, DOWNLOAD THE APP AT BIT.LY/OLASC FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3 | 65 FR ID A Y , FE B R U A R Y 3 9:00 am -- 10:15 am | mtcc 201f Focused, Flexible, Free-Range: Becoming a 21st Century Library Technician Sara Faulhafer, Waterloo PL, Shannon Barill, Durham C Library and Information Technicians (LIT) have a myriad of career options available. To survive and thrive in our profession, we have to be lifelong learners, creative and tech-savvy. A recent LIT grad and current LIT student will share what they've learned about essential and transferable skills, networking and staying positive while job searching. Alana Otis, Seneca C library techs 2025 | networking | new career 9:00 am -- 10:15 am | ictc haliburton From an Island to Islets: Reimagining Islandora in a Microservices World Chris Crebolder, U Toronto, Andy Wagner, U Toronto Follow University of Toronto libraries' journey from identifying pain points in our Islandora stack through the redesign process of decoupling and isolating component technologies and reimagining development workflows. We will examine the impact this had on project managers, developers, end users, and our future plans. Susanna Galbraith, McMaster U islandora | digital collections | web infrastructure 9:00 am -- 10:15 am | ictc ontario From Tech Shy to Tech Savvy: Teaching Technology to Seniors Kate Hillier, Oakville PL A librarian/volunteer technology coach shares her strategies on teaching technology skills to adults, specifically seniors. Basic troubleshooting tips will be covered in order to give public service staff more confidence in addressing common problems. Rebecca Larocque, North Bay PL troubleshooting | technology | seniors 9:00 am -- 10:15 am | mtcc 104b Fusion Through Inclusion: Library Service for Teens with Developmental Disabilities Heather Wray, Burlington PL, Amanda Wilk, Burlington PL, Meritt Harnett, Burlington PL Public libraries are an important community space for adults with developmental disabilities. Despite this, young people with developmental disabilities are often underrepresented in library programs. Learn how Burlington Public Library is using a community-led approach to create equitable library service for teens and young adults with developmental disabilities. Bob Minnery, Alternative Education Resources for Ontario youth programming | accessibility | community led 9:00 am -- 10:15 am | mtcc 202c Good Leaders Build Great Relationships: Moving Your Agenda Forward John Chrastka, EveryLibrary, Rachel Korman, EveryLibrary EveryLibrary is a US-based political advocacy organization focused on building constituent and voter engagement for libraries. Learn about ways to use assessment and community engagement improve your strategic planning results, discover new ways to market the story about your plan to improve funding, and gain insight into how to leverage the relationships you need with other elected officials and coalition partners. Move your policy and funding agenda forward. Nancy McLuskey, Haliburton County Library Board advocacy | governance 9:00 am -- 10:15 am | ictc caledon Installing Pop-Up Passion Ben Van Gorp, East Gwillimbury PL, Stephanie Gauthier, East Gwillimbury PL Translate your passions into pop-up programming! East Gwillimbury's STEM programming started off small, but now it's booming! Learn from two EGPL staff's experience and harness your creativity as you create pop-up installations of your own. Jeffrey Beeler, Lambton County Library stem | programming | outreach 9:00 am -- 10:15 am | mtcc 104cd Libraries 2025: Our Provincial Priorities for Public Libraries Stephen Abram, Federation of Ontario Public Libraries, Shelagh Paterson, OLA, Barbara Franchetto, Southern Ontario Library Service, Leanne Clendening, Ontario Library Service - North Libraries 2025 was our 2015 Summit on the collaborative priorities of public libraries in Ontario. We present the top three priorities and report on progress through the years in building strength for the public libraries of Ontario. Alexandra Yarrow, 2016 OPLA President public libraries | strategies | libraries 2025 FRIDAY SCHEDULE 9:00 am -- 10:15 am SCHOOL LIBRARIES SPOTLIGHT 9:00 am -- 10:15 am | ictc ballroom a Shannon Miller, Teacher-Librarian, Author of The Library Voice Shannon is a mom and Eric's wife. She served as the K-12 district teacher librarian at Van Meter Community School District in Iowa for eight years. Shannon is now an international speaker and consultant who speaks about education, librarianship, technology, social media, and making a difference in education and the lives of others, especially children. Shannon is Mackin's Teacher Librarian Advocate and a teacher librarian consultant for Cantata Learning. Shannon is the author of the award winning The Library Voice blog and enjoys writing for various blogs and journals. Kate Johnson-McGregor, 2016 OSLA President FIND OUT MORE ON PAGE 17 Our thanks to Follett for covering the expenses of our Spotlight Speaker.