ConferenCe app available for download at olasuperConferenCe.Ca friday, february 2 | 63 Fr id a y , Fe b r u a r y 2 It's Friday afternoon -- why rush off to your train, plane, or automobile when you can relax with colleagues and enjoy happy hour? Join us after the closing keynote to share your favourite conference moments! fridaY schedule and socials 7:15 am -- 8:00 am Yoga 7:30 am -- 3:30 pm Registration Open 8:00 am -- 8:30 am Laughter Yoga 8:00 am -- 9:00 am Tinlids/OLA Forest of Reading® Breakfast 8:00 am -- 6:00 pm OLA Lobby/Help Desk Open 8:30 am -- 5:30 pm The Library Marketplace Open 9:00 am -- 3:00 pm Super EXPO Open 9:00 am -- 10:30 am Education Sessions 10:00 am -- 2:00 pm Poster Sessions Open 10:00 am -- 2:00 pm The OLA Career Centre Open 10:00 am -- 11:00 am TIFF Library Tour 10:45 am -- 12:00 pm Education Sessions // SChOOL LiBrAriES SPOTLighT: Jael Richardson // FrEnCh SErviCES SPOTLighT (PLEinS FEuX Sur LES SErviCES En FrAnçAiS): Angèle Delaunois 11:00 am -- 12:00 pm TIFF Library Tour 12:00 pm -- 2:00 pm Poster Session Presentations 12:00 pm --1:30 pm Open Shelf Editorial Board Meeting 2:00 pm -- 2:45 pm Education Sessions 3:00 pm -- 4:30 pm KEynOTE in COnvErSATiOn WiTh nAOMi KLEin 4:30 pm -- 5:30 pm Farewell Reception tinlids/ola forest of reading® Breakfast 8:00 am -- 9:00 am | mtcc 106 By invitation only fareWell reception 4:30 pM -- 5:30 pM MtCC 105/106 reCeption area T h e O n T a r i O P u b l i c l i b r a r y a s s O c i a T i O n C H I L D A N D Y O U T H S E R V I C E S C O M M I T T E E Time is running out to participate in the OPLA Teen Services Survey! We are inviting all public library systems to please participate in this 20 minute survey no later than FriDAy, FEBruAry 9, 2018. Login in now at If you have not received your library's unique login and password, please contact Sarah Roberts, Ontario Library Association, at laughter Yoga 8:00 am -- 8:30 am | mtcc 201ab ola past presidents lunch 12:00 pm -- 2:00 pm | ictc conquest Yoga 7:15 am -- 8:00 am | mtcc 105/106 stage area with support from