School, College, and University library staff are invited to discuss "The Bridge Between: Information Literacy Challenges, Needs, and Opportunities for Students' Transition from High School to University/College" save the date OCULA SPRING CONFERENCE IN COLLABORATION WITH OSLA Join us on Friday April 26, 2019 at OISE, University of Toronto CONFERENCE APP AVAILABLE AT OLASUPERCONFERENCE.CA 55 FR ID A Y , FE B R U A R Y 1 Friday Schedule and Socials 7:30 am -- 8:15 am Rise and Shine Yoga 7:30 am -- 3:30 pm Registration 8:00 am -- 9:00 am Tinlids/OLA Forest of Reading® Breakfast 8:00 am -- 3:30 pm OLA Info Desk 8:30 am -- 4:00 pm The Library Marketplace 9:00 am -- 10:30 am Education Sessions 9:30 am -- 3:00 pm Super EXPO 10:00 am -- 11:00 am TIFF Library Tour 10:00 am -- 2:00 pm The OLA Career Centre 10:00 am -- 2:00 pm Poster Sessions 10:45 am -- 12:00 pm Education Sessions // SCHOOL LIBRARIES SPOTLIGHT: CHELSEA KLUKAS // FRENCH SERVICES SPOTLIGHT (PLEINS FEUX SUR LES SERVICES EN FRANÇAIS): PIERRETTE DUBÉ, OLIVIER SIMARD, CATHON 12:00 pm -- 2:00 pm Poster Session Presentations 2:00 pm -- 2:45 pm Education Sessions 3:00 pm -- 4:30 pm KEYNOTE WITH THE DEBATERS LIVE! 4:30 pm -- 5:30 pm Farewell Anniversary Reception Tinlids/OLA Forest of Reading® Breakfast 8:00 am -- 9:00 am | mtcc 106pf By invitation only OLA Past Presidents/Donor Lunch 12:15 pm -- 2:00 pm | ictc niagara with support from Farewell Anniversary Reception 4:30 PM -- 5:30 PM MTCC 105 Reception Area Rise and Shine Yoga mtcc 105 stage area 7:30 am -- 8:15 am for more info, see page 10