Have you checked out OLA's Advocacy Toolkit yet? No matter what type of library you are involved with - Academic, Public, School, Special - support from your local stakeholders, decision-makers, and leaders is essential to ensuring that you and your library have the resources and connections you need. The resources of this toolkit were created to help OLA members from all library sectors, to advocate for their libraries and to broaden the community of library advocates in Ontario. This toolkit aims to provide guidance as to how to advocate effectively and link to additional resources for members who wish to learn more. Download the toolkit at bit.ly/OLAAdvocacyToolkit Visit accessola.com to access free webinars for more on how you can use the Toolkit's resources in the Public Library, School Library, Academic Library. Want to hone your Advocacy Skills? The OLA Super Conference has got you covered! Wednesday, January 29: CULC Digital Content Working Group: Advocacy in Response to Shifting Access and Pricing Models with Lisa Radha Weaver, Sharon Day, Jennifer Stirling, Susan Caron 10:30 AM -- 12:00 PM | MTCC 206E Building Evidence-Based Advocacy Materials for Ontario College Libraries with Sarah Shujah, Jane Foo, Heather Buchansky, Natalie Colaiacovo, Cyndi Smith 11:20 AM --12:00 PM | MTCC 206C Check out the O L A A d v o c a cy Toolkit Super Conference A d v o c a cy Sessions Thursday, January 30: "But I'm Not an Activist": An Advocacy Primer and Pep Talk for the Scared or Reluctant Librarian with Dayna DeBenedet 10:45 AM -- 12:00 PM | MTCC 202B Friday, January 31: Stop the Presses: Advocating for Ontario's Community Newspapers with Loren Fantin, Monica Fuijkschot, James Roussain 10:45 AM -- 12:00 PM | ICTC Haliburton The Bridge Project: Outcomes, Impacts, and Advocacy for Technology Services with Kristian Roberts, Jorge Rivera 10:45 AM -- 12:00 PM | ICTC Kingsway View the full schedule at olasuperconference.ca