DON'T MISS OUT ON OTHER GREAT OLA EVENTS! RA in a Day April 28 at North York Central Library OCULA Spring Conference May 1 at iSchool Inforum, University of Toronto Digital Odyssey June 8 at London Public Library Marketing Think Tank August 7 at iSchool Inforum, University of Toronto 55VIEW ALL UPDATES TO THE SCHEDULE AT OLASUPERCONFERENCE.CA FR ID A Y, JA N U A R Y 31 Tinlids/Forest of Reading® Breakfast 7:30 AM -- 8:30 AM"|"MTCC 105/106PF Invitation only Friday Schedule and Socials TIFF Bell Lightbox Walking Tour 11:00 AM -- 11:30 AM"|"OFFSITE AT TIFF BELL LIGHTBOX For more info, see page 55 OLA Past Presidents/Donors Lunch 12:15 PM -- 1:45 PM"|"ICTC CALEDON Invitation only with support from 4:30 pm -- 5:30 pm MTCC 105 Recept ion Area 7:30 AM -- 8:15 AM Rise and Shine Yoga 7:30 AM -- 3:00 PM Registration 8:00 AM -- 2:00 PM Unconference Centre 8:00 AM -- 3:30 PM OLA Lobby/Help Desk 8:30 AM -- 3:00 PM The Library Marketplace 9:00 AM -- 10:30 AM Sessions 9:30 AM -- 3:00 PM Super EXPO 10:00 AM -- 2:00 PM The OLA Career Centre 10:00 AM -- 2:00 PM Poster Sessions 10:45 AM -- 12:00 PM Sessions // FRENCH SERVICES SPOTLIGHT (PLEINS FEUX SUR LES SERVICES EN FRANÇAIS): FLORENCE NGENZEBUHORO // SCHOOL LIBRARIES SPOTLIGHT: SHAKIL CHOUDHURY 11:00 AM -- 11:30 AM TIFF Library Tour 12:00 PM -- 2:00 PM Poster Session Presentations 2:00 PM -- 2:45 PM Sessions 3:00 PM -- 4:30 PM KEYNOTE: CHOIR! CHOIR! CHOIR! 4:30 PM -- 5:30 PM Farewell Reception 5:30 PM -- 8:30 PM Treasure Mountain Canada Keynote Rise and Shine YogaRise and Shine Yoga MTCC 105 Stage Area 7:30 AM -- 8:15 AM For more info, see page 11.