90 #OLASC | DREAM HERE. | RÊVEZ ICI. SU P E R E X P O Super EXPO Exhibitor Directory Booth #617/619 Perma-BOunD canaDa Box 868, Station Main T: 800-461-1999 F: 888-250-3811 www.perma-bound.com perma-bound.ca@sympatico.ca David Bannister Booth #413/415 le PriX PeuPlier see fOresT Of reaDing® Ontario Book Publishers Pavilion PlaywrighTs canaDa Press see OnTariO BOOk PuBlishers PaviliOn DirecTOry Booth #442 POrTage & main Press 100-318 McDermot Ave T: 204-987-3500 F: 866-734-8477 portageandmainpress.com cgerbasi@portageandmainpress. com Catherine Gerbasi exemplary educational resources inspire child-centred, inclusive, and collaborative learning. Booth #429 PreservaTiOn TechnOlOgies | The meDiaPreserve T: 519-425-9984 F: 519-425-7841 ptlp.com graham@ preservationtechnologies.ca Jason Graham Booth #522 PrOjecT muse Baltimore, MD 21218 T: 410-516-3821 FT! muse.jhu.edu asn@pres.jhu.edu Abe Novick digital humanities and social science content for the scholarly community, journals and more than 58,000 books published by more than 200 of the world's leading university presses and scholarly societies. Booth #405 PrOquesT T: 734-707-2182 proquest.com Sean Kozak support the world's research and learning communities. They curate six centuries of content - journals, print and ebooks, primary sources, dissertations, news, and video empowering libraries to inspire extraordinary outcomes. Booth #421 PuBlishers grOuP canaDa T: 416-934-9900 F: 416-934-1410 www.pgcbooks.ca info@pgcbooks.ca Erin Takeuchi Booth #417/419 raincOasT BOOks T: 604-448-7183 F: 604-270-7161 www.raincoast.com terri@raincoast.com Terri Harker auThOr signings: Thursday 10:00 Dylan Glynn, Rain Boy Amy McCulloch, Jinxed 11:00 June Hur, The Silence of Bones 12:00 J.J. Johnson, Dino Dana 1:00 Jessica Cunsolo, She's With Me Nandi Taylor, Given Friday 10:00 Paul Gilligan, King of the Mole People Terry Lynn Johnson, Dog Driven 11:00 Jennifer Hillier, Little Secrets Natalie Jenner, The Jane Austen Society Booth #809 recOrDeD BOOks T: 800-638-1304 www.recordedbooks.com rseifert@recordedbooks.com Roger Seifert Booth #204 reD link ( / PCG) Suite 215 T: 586-707-3406 FT! www.redlink.com/ library-dashboard kclifton@pcgplus.com Kelly Clifton Booth #413/415 reD maPle awarD™ see fOresT Of reaDing® Booth # reel canaDa 720 Bathurst Street, Suite 504 T: 416-642-5796 x210 F: 647-557-2111 www.reelcanada.ca alison@reelcanada.ca Alison Zemell Booth # regrOuPemenT Des éDiTeurs francO- canaDiens (refc) T: 613-562-4507 x278 www.refc.ca evenements@refc.ca Alice Côté Dupuis franco-canadiens réunit 16 maisons d'édition francophones de l'Acadie, de l'Ontario et de l'Ouest canadien qui mènent des actions de promotion, de médiation et de développement de marchés. Ensemble, leur fonds littéraire compte 3 500 titres dont la majorité sont aussi disponibles en format numérique. Booth #534/536 risTech cOmPany inc T: 905-631-7451 F: 905-634-4813 www.ristech.ca ndow@ristech.ca Nicola Dow Booth #204 rOyal sOcieTy ( / PCG) T: 860-918-8098 FT! royalsociety.org/journals nan.frost@pcgplus.com Nan Frost Booth #721 sage PuBlishing T: 805-410-7239 www.sagepublishing.com @sagepub.com Erika Isaly