92 #OLASC | DREAM HERE. | RÊVEZ ICI. SU P E R E X P O Super EXPO Exhibitor Directory Booth # simPlyanalyTics, inc 244 5th Avenue, Suite 2316 T: 888-845-5064 x64 F: 866-500-8918 www.simplyanalytics.com @simplyanalytics.com Steven Swartz SimplyAnalytics makes it easy to create interactive maps, charts and reports using thousands of data variables. Answering questions using business, health and marketing data has never been easier. Explore SimplyAnalytics today! Booth #311/313 sirsiDyniX 3300 North Ashton Boulevard, Suite 500 T: 800-288-8020 www.sirsidynix.com tradeshows@sirsidynix.com Samantha Gustman Booth #629 sPringer naTure 233 Spring Street T: 212-726-9232 www.springernature.com exhibits@springernature.com Minerva Rodriguez Booth #219 sucseeD T: 709-690-7873 FT! www.sucseed.ca emily@sucseed.ca Emily Bland Booth #413/415 le PriX Tamarac see fOresT Of reaDing® Booth #433 TaylOr & francis grOuP 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850 T: 215-625-8900 F: 215-606-0050 www.tandfonline.com customerservices@ taylorandfrancis.com Kayla Daniel Booth #315 TD summer reaDing cluB T: 613-552-3568 www.tdsummerreadingclub.ca lianne.fortin@canada.ca Lianne Fortin Booth #807 Teach magazine 1655 Dupont Street, Suite 321 T: 416-537-2103 teachmag.com wliberman@teachmag.com Wili Liberman Booth #316 The new yOrk Times 620 8th Avenue T: 212-556-1486 nytimes.com/group Tracy Keller Booth #621 The PersOnal insurance cOmPany T: 888-476-8737 www.thepersonal.com/ola robert.cherubino@thepersonal.com Rob Cherubino exclusive home and auto insurance rates not available to the general service and a seamless experience every step of the way. Booth #418 ThirD irOn T: 855-649-7607 FT! thirdiron.com kendall@thirdiron.com Kendall Bartsch Booth #318/320 ThOmas allen & sOn limiTeD T: 519-829-5140 F: 905-475-6747 www.thomasallen.ca kathy.elliot@t-allen.com Kathy Elliot oldest independent book distributor outstanding titles and service. Our many publishers include: Algonquin auThOr signings: Thursday 10:30 Kathryn Durst, Arlo, Mrs. Ogg, and the Dinosaur Zoo 11:30 Ian Aurora, Cheer: A Book to Celebrate Community 1:00 Helena Hunting, A Favor for a Favor Booth #413/415 TinliDs inc T: 416-665-5663 F: 416-665-0775 tinlids.ca scott@tinlids.ca Scott Millar For seventeen years Tinlids children's and young adult books libraries. Known for its impeccable customer service - and also as the ® - Tinlids connects readers with the books they love. Booth #805 TransParenT language, inc 12 Murphy Drive T: 603-262-6300 transparent.com/libraries library-sales@transparent.com Lauren Gancarz Booth #215 TumBlemaTh T: 888-622-9609 F: 888-622-9609 www.tumblemath.com rachela@tumblebooks.com Rachela Naccarato Booth #717 TvO T: 416-484-2600 www.tvo.org outreach@tvo.org Natalie Perez Booth #827 TwO way raDiO T: 844-297-2346 twowayradio.ca twowayradio@bell.net Juris Utnans providing the best communication industry, our vast selection of Motorola products are sure to enhance your business operations communications products can improve your productivity, increase security, and customer satisfaction. Booth #432 universiTy Of alBerTa schOOl Of liBrary & infOrmaTiOn sTuDies ED 7-104A, University of Alberta T: 780-492-7288 F: 780-492-2024 slis.ualberta.ca Cameron Mosimann