TL8-3Larry The Teaching Librarian Volume 8/No. 3 29 MAKING WAVES photo, that is, to remove the subject from the context of the original photo. He taught students how to enhance these photos using Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, how to correct colour, clean up grainy images, add lighting effects and backgrounds, and then, add text. Rob's mentorship of students in this initiative and many others have provided them with materials for their portfolios for post-secondary pur- suits. He ultimately completed all the remaining final touches and his talent in this area is obvious. The completed images were sent electronically to our Board Media Centre for production. The Centre is closing next year, forcing us to look at other avenues. Although many companies do this work, it is imperative to find something cost effective. We are fortunate that Rob is so talented and gener- ous with his time and that our Principal, Patricia Irving, takes every chance to reinforce our campaign to promote literacy. She is supportive of any type of authentic learning opportunity and finds creative ways to fund them. We are delighted that students identify with these posters even more than they do with the popular READ posters featuring celebrities! Students com- ment on the teacher's reading preferences as reflect- ed in his/her choice of book for the poster. They appreciate the notion of reading for pleasure and the importance of good literacy skills. The combined talents of graphic arts students, the mentorship of a talented teacher, the goodwill of staff, and the tech- nical expertise of the Media Centre have resulted in this Read-O initiative! n n n Cheryl Black, Head of Business, Mathematics, and Cooperative Education Lindsey Brown, Head of English and ESL Kevin Gilmore, Guidance Counsellor and History Teacher