Teaching, Vol 8, No. 2 x reading material for children who would oth- erwise not have access to these resources; n Developing information technology school plans promoting the effective use of comput- ers in an educational setting; n Promoting the OLA's Silver Birch and Red Maple reading programs; n Establishing their own e-mail conference on FirstClass to share information and ideas; n Creating a professional development day specifically designed to meet the needs of teacher-librarians as part of a system-wide Learning Conference; n Developing and implementing a new library automation system and union database to facilitate on-line access to library collections from school and from home; n Writing the secondary resource document, On Your Own--A Practical Guide to Research, Writing and Information Literacy, to assist stu- dents with the inquiry and research process, independent study and information literacy; n Developing a companion guide to On Your Own for Grades 4-8; n Using and promoting the Electric Library Canada on-line research database as a research source for students and teachers; n Establishing a Resource Selection Committee to evaluate print and non-print resources and databases to support the curriculum; n Fundraising to purchase additional library resources; n Holding executive positions on provincial committees; n Committing their personal time and money to upgrade their skills by attending OSLA institutes. We herald these initiatives and commend our teacher-librarians for their commitment to ensur- ing the library program plays a central role in our overall plan for improving information literacy. Trustees and the senior administration have demonstrated their support through development of policies and procedures which allocate more time to our school libraries than is mandated by the Ministry. Together we are providing a sound base for our students to participate and succeed in the information world of tomorrow. n n n Ad: Teacher-Librarian MAKING A DIFFERENCE