TL9.1Larry 18 Ontario School Library Association ate the dialogue and narration by using specific sections of the books that they feel will best tell the story. This creates an excite- ment about the book encourag- ing others to read the text. 88.. LLIITTEERRAATTUURREE CCIIRRCCLLEESS IINN TTHHEE LLIIBBRRAARRYY Literature circles are a great way to for students to learn how to discuss a book. Each member of a group of six students has a specific task to complete when reading a section of a text. After finishing their task they come together as a group to discuss and share their tasks. This does not have to be lead by the teacher and it gives students a chance to lead their own discus- sions. In the book, Literature Circles Voice and Choice In the Student-Centered Classroom by Harvey Daniels (Pembroke, 1994), there are instructions and black line masters of how to run this activity. A great online refer- ence is http://www.literaturecir- Since it is small-group oriented, this is a good way for teacher-librarians to fit into the literacy program. As teacher-librarians we are always looking for "hooks" - ways to get kids into the library and to get them to use it as their resource and their literacy cen- tre. Creating a group of indepen- dent, critical readers is our ulti- mate goal. What makes our job unique is the the range of ways we can support and integrate higher education standards into the classroom. The library envi- ronment should be inviting and welcoming. It is a place where information and literacy are equally accessible by all. With that in mind, that makes it one of the most important classrooms in the school. z IM P R O V IN G L IT ER A C Y @ y ou r li b ra ry ™ Advertisement Saunders Jan. 31-Feb. 2 SUPER CONFERENCE and EXPO 2002 Canada's largest and most useful library education event. Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Feb. 1 OSLA Awards Reception generously sponsored by Saunders Books. Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Feb. 2 OSLA Annual Meeting Metro Toronto Convention Centre. August OSLA Summer Institutes. Watch for details. datelineTL