TL9.1Larry The Teaching Librarian Volume 9, no. 1 33 Date: Two full days in the week of August 18, 2002 Locations: Greater Toronto Area Durham, Hamilton, Ottawa Registration: May, 2002 Program: The focus will be on Designing Research and Inquiry Units/Lessons using Information Studies and tools such as the Electronic Planner. Plan to attend! Detailed informa- tion will appear in the spring. Remember that professional development is for the members; your needs are always our con- cern. Your suggestions and involvement are most welcome. To volunteer to be part of this dynamic group of library leaders, please e-mail me. Portfolio: PARTNERSHIPS led by Esther Rosenfeld OSLA has been involved in sev- eral important partnership initia- tives and projects during the spring and summer. We were invited as a subject association by the Ministry of Education to develop support materials for the implementation of the new Grade 11 curriculum, particularly for the inquiry and research strand in all Grade 11 courses. A set of materi- als produced by OSLA which con- sists of PowerPoint presentations for teachers and students and print materials will be part of the Grade 11 support CD which the Ministry will distribute. OSLA also has permission to mount this material on our web site. OSLA was also invited to be part of the Ontario Teachers' Federation/ Ministry of Education summer institute initiative for Grade 11 implementation. Angela Di Prima, Rose Dotten, and Sya Van Geest delivered an outstanding three day program for a group of enthu- siastic participants. In May, OSLA facilitated a working committee to revise the three part Teacher Librarianship AQ qualifications program. Working with Erika Rimkus of the Ontario College of Teachers, the committee created a new common set of expecta- tions and topic areas for each course. In June, Rose Dotten and Sya Van Geest participated in a joint Ministry of Education/ Faculty of Education conference where they received valuable information about the new teacher testing program and teacher training programs. Finally, Linsey Hammond contin- ues to ably represent OSLA at the OTF Curriculum Forum which is held several times a year. Portfolio: @ your library led by Kendra Godin-Svoboda Libraries across Ontario are identifying themselves with this timely trademark and the effect is electrifying! While our official launch will occur at the Super Conference, library staff are encouraged to use the trade- mark now and create their own launch for their libraries and communities. The first thing you need to know is the policy for using the trademark. Here are some guide- lines that we have agreed on with ALA: 1. The trademarked typeface is American Typewriter Medium. 2. The preferred colours for @ your library™ are red and blue, with the '@' in red (PMS 032) and 'your library' in blue (PMS 072). 3. A secondary colour option for the entire phrase is black and/or white. 4. If neither of the colour options above work, tasteful alternatives are acceptable. 5. A 'TM' symbol must follow the phrase @ your libraryTM. As the OSLA @ your libraryTM rep for Durham, I am working with Jennifer Decker, OPLA rep in Durham, and Sue Powers, our Durham Board Media Librarian. Together, we have outlined the following schedule of events to celebrate our Durham launch for the month of February: l Durham Region @ your library™ launch on Feb. 7, tenta- tively to take place at the Oshawa Centre. We plan the event to include storytellers, school choirs, guest authors, with local politicians and celebrities. l Mini-launches to occur throughout the region during the month at libraries, school