TL9.2final 7 Ontario School Library Association DILEMMA What do you do when budgets have beenslashed? I have been organizing the SilverBirch Reading Program for the last three years. The first year, I started off with one class and two copies of each title purchased out of my library budget. The next year was more difficult as my budget was slashed. The Home and School helped out and purchased two copies to supplement the copies I purchased. This year I have five classes that wish to participate and I was faced with quite a dilemma. There wasn't any way I could purchase even one copy of each title, so the Home and School came to my rescue and ordered three copies of each of the selections. But even with their gen- erosity, I couldn't satisfy five classes. So, what do you do? SOLUTION The Grade 4s had not been exposed to Silver Birchbefore so they are going to read the selections from1999-2000. The Grade 5s are going to read the selec- tions from 2000-2001, and the Grade 6s will read the selec- tions for this year. Each person will receive a birch leaf for each book they read, and their books will be tallied for their vote. We will hold a vote on the actual day, with three booths open for each of the grades. It's a little like a three-ring circus but I couldn't deny the students' enthusiasm for reading. When it comes time to announce the winners, we will do it in fine fashion so each class gets the recognition for participating. There will definitely be some advocacy going on so next year's Silver Birch is fully covered by the school library budget. z PPoossttccaarrddss ffrroomm tthhee CCeennttrree BRENDA DILLON Philip Pocock Catholic Secondary School, Dufferin-Peel In September, I wanted to get schoollibrary information into the hands ofteachers without adding too much to their already stuffed mailboxes. So, using Microsoft Publisher and sheets of perforated postcards, I created post- cards that identified school library staff, provided contact information, and high- lighted programs and services offered this year. z It w o r k e d f o r m e ! T L NNootthhiinngg"ss GGooiinngg ttoo CCuutt DDoowwnn MMyy SSiillvveerr BBiirrcchh SSHHAARROONN WWEEAAMMEESS Lord Nelson School, Thames Valley District School Board