TL 10.1q OSLA President's Report Esther Rosenfeld OSLA President 2002 and 2003 OOLLAA aanndd OOSSLLAA AAddvvooccaaccyy EEffffoorrttss CCoonnttiinnuuee OLA and OSLA advocacy efforts for school libraries have intensified as of October 2002. Esther Rosenfeld and Stephen Abram address the Education Equality Task Force. On September 18, OLA president Stephen Abram and Imade presentations to the Education Equality TaskForce. Stephen spoke eloquently as the president of a 4,000-member professional association, a professional librarian, a businessperson, and a parent. He deplored the deteriorating state of Ontario's school libraries and attrib- uted this deterioration to the government's short-sighted funding formula and its inadequacies. Indicating that our society now demands information liter- acy skills of its citizens, Stephen stated that this could not be accomplished by public libraries working alone, by use of the Internet, or by the training programs of corporations. He emphasized that society's need for an information literate cit- izenry demands the province's commitment to adequately funded school libraries, and to teacher-librarians and their teaching of information literacy skills. 34 Ontario School Library Association