TL10.2p1-9 34 Ontario School Library Association Transition for Success: Secondary School to College and University JANET KAUFMAN, University of Guelph, MARY MULHOLLAND, JOANNE RYAN, Guelph Collegiate, What an inspiring session! TheUniversity of Guelph has had a pro-gram of welcoming senior students to the university library for some 15 years. The program is run cooperatively by the three partners involved. Following the preparation of a collaborative assignment by the subject teacher and the teacher-librarian, students work on the first part of the assignment in the school library. Like most universities, the University of Guelph Library has a web tour that students take remotely to prepare them for their on-site visit (previously booked) which will involve using the university library catalogue, specialized databases and retriev- ing hard copy journals. Students have returned to tell the teacher-librarian how much this introduction to the huge scholarly library helped them when they reached their chosen post-secondary institution.z -Lynn Poth Literacy @ your library™: Catch the Fever PAMELA ATKINSON, TAMARA HERMANN, Parkdale Collegiate, MARK KAMINSKI, Toronto District School Board, BOBBIE HENLEY, Brantford Collegiate. This session was an excellent example ofpartnerships in action. The presentersincluded a classroom teacher, two teacher-librarians, and a school libraries co- ordinator - from two school boards. Mark Kaminski and Bobbie Henley presented Strategies for Improving Student Literacy. This excellent PowerPoint presentation covered a number of topics, including definitions of litera- cy, workplace literacy, cross-curricular/content literacy, adolescent literacy/the adolescent read- er, and literacy and the school library. The sec- tion on literacy and the school library included a review of the research, a number of suggestions for literacy initiatives, the research process, resources for staff and students, and suggestions for designing a literacy-friendly school library. This PowerPoint presentation was based on a TDSB document, Literacy @ your library, which, we were told at the conference, would be pub- lished soon. I suspect this is yet another Toronto District School Board resource document I'll be ordering for my own use.Tamara Hermann and Pamela Atkinson presented Parkdale Collegiate's literacy program and the school library's initia- tives. What an impressive list! Parkdale Collegiate Institute is obviously a school that @ your library™ P a r t n e r s h ip s CClloossee ttoo 11000000 OOSSLLAA mmeemmbbeerrss wweerree ppaarrttnneerrss ttoo eeaacchh ootthheerr dduurriinngg SSuuppeerr CCoonnffeerreennccee 22000033,, oonnee ooff tthhee ggrreeaatt nneettwwoorrkkiinngg ooppppoorrttuunniittiieess iinn tthheessee vvoollaattiillee ttiimmeess.. MARY MULHOLLAND, JOANNE RYAN, JANET KAUFMAN (speaking)