TL10.2p1-9 The Teaching Librarian Volume 10, no. 2 43 Partnerships for Lifelong Learning. Lesley S. J. Farmer. 2nd ed. Linworth, 1999. Paper, 125 pages. ISBN 0-938865-79-X $58.00 (Professional Growth Series) Teaming with Opportunity: Media Programs, Community Constituencies, and Technology. Lesley S. J. Farmer. Libraries Unlimited, 2001. Paper, 205 pages, ISBN 1-56308-878-9 Both Partnerships for Lifelong Learning and Teaming with Opportunity are about partnerships between teacher-librarians (and school libraries) and others involved in educa- tion. In both books, Farmer makes the point that such partnerships are vital and that it takes considerable planning and effort to create and maintain effective part- nerships. She establishes the need for partnerships, examines the nature of part- nerships, identifies the indi- viduals and groups who should be partners, explores the growth of partnerships, provides a context for the practice of partnering, and connects partnerships and lifelong learning. Although Farmer does touch on the integration of technology in Partnerships for Lifelong Learning, she devotes two chapters to it in Teaming with Opportunity. In Partnerships, Farmer devotes a chapter to identi- fying the various partners with whom teacher-librari- ans should establish rela- tionships. She devotes seven chapters to this topic - one to each partner - in Teaming with Opportunity. Partnerships for Lifelong Learning and Teaming with Opportunity are both hand- books for the creation and maintenance of the collabo- rative community so neces- sary for the development of successful lifelong learners. Features such as subhead- ings, columns, highlight boxes, bulleted lists and checklists work together to create a reader-friendly feel to Partnerships for Lifelong Learning. Teaming with Opportunity seems to be, essentially, an updated, expanded, more academic - although still quite accessi- ble - version of Partnerships. While I think it's worth read- ing both of Farmer's partner- ship titles, I would certainly suggest that one of them - either one, it's a matter of personal preference - should be considered essen- tial reading. Both titles should be part of district- level professional collec- tions and, if budgets permit, teacher-librarians should consider including one of the titles in school-based professional collections. Brenda Dillon All books are available from the OLAStore. z developed by Brenda Dillon Reader's Theatre is a great way for teacher-librar-ians and the language arts teachers to partnertogether and work with students. Good reasons to incorporate Reader's Theatre are that it improves reading skills, develops communication and voice skills, re-inforces self-confidence, encourages critical thinking, builds oral presentation skills, stimulates imagination and creativity - and it is fun. All titles come with duplication rights and are available through The OLAStore or your favourite Canadian whole- saler. To order from The OLAStore, please telephone 416-363-3388 (1-886-873-9867 toll free long distance) or e-mail <> or order on-line at []. z Science Fiction Reader's Theatre 2002, Grades 4-8, $43.20 Multicultural Folktales 2000, Grades 1-5, $39.20 Frantic Frogs and Other Frankly Fractured Folktales for Reader's Theatre 1993, Grades 4-8, $36 Tadpole Tales and Other Totally Terrific Treats for Reader's Theatre 1997, Grades 1-4, $36.80 Classic Reader's Theatre 2002, Grades 6-12, $56 Reader's Theatre for Beginning Readers 1993, Grades 1-4, $19 Reader's Theatre for Children 1990, Grades 4-6, $17.50 Readers Theatre for Young Adults 1989, Grades 7-12, $22 Silly Salamanders and Other Slightly Stupid Stuff for Reader's Theatre 2000, Grades 3-8, $37.60 and some more where they get to use puppets... Fractured Fairy Tales 2002, Grades PK-5, $16.95 Puppet Tales 1998, Grades K-5, $14.95 Stories That Stick 2002, Grades K-5, $15.95 WHAT'S NEW from the OLA Professional Store RReeaadd aannyy ggoooodd pprrooffeessssiioonnaall lliitteerraattuurree rreecceennttllyy?? WWhhyy nnoott sshhaarree yyoouurr eexxppeerriieennccee bbyy wwrriittiinngg aa rreevviieeww ffoorr tthhiiss ppaaggee?? SSeenndd yyoouurr ooppiinniioonn ttoo BBrreennddaa DDiilllloonn <<bbrreennaannnn@@ssyymmppaattiiccoo..ccaa>>..