TL10.2p1-9 The Teaching Librarian Volume 10, no. 2 45 have been taken on largely through the initiative and hard work of a grassroots group of pro- gram mentors. The web sites are available at: 2003/bluespruce.html 2003/white_pine.html OSLA continues to enthusiasti- cally promote and support the existing OLA Silver Birch and Red Maple programs. In light of the establishment of the new pro- grams, the OLA is conducting a study of reading programs as a whole and the task force will make recommendations in the fall. Publications The redesign of the OSLA maga- zine, The Teaching Librarian, has been very successful. The themat- ic focus, timely feature articles, along with the regular addition of curriculum pull-outs, useful resources and tested ideas for teacher-librarians have been well- received by OSLA members. The editorial board encourages the input of the readership, through the submission of photos, ideas and letters. Many thanks to Bobbie Henley, editor of The Teaching Librarian, and the editori- al board for their dedication. Awards/Nominations/ Membership This year's awards presenta- tions once again reminded us of the many dedicated and skilled people working in our profession. The number and quality of the nominations were amazing and all deserve congratulations. As a result of a motion passed at the OLA general meeting on January 30th, 2003, we are now expanding block membership to all school boards that wish to participate. The pilot project has resulted in increased membership at a time when drastic cutbacks to school libraries have occurred. Special thanks to Joyce Cunningham for her dedicated leadership in this portfolio. Partnerships In 2002, OSLA was designated by the Ontario Ministry of Education to develop support materials for the implementation of the new Grade 12 curriculum. After discussion about an observed increase in plagiarism by secondary schools students, materials focussing on Academic Honesty were prepared by a small committee: Diana Knight, Carol Koechlin, Susan Leppington, Sharon Mills, and Esther Rosenfeld. The materials include teacher and student PowerPoint presentations, discussion tem- plates, and resource lists. The resources have been successfully piloted in several school boards and are posted on the OSLA web site. They are an accompaniment to the Grade 11 materials on the Research and Inquiry Process which were developed last year. As a recognized provincial Subject Association, OSLA has participat- ed in a variety of conferences and events related to school reform in Ontario. These include Subject Association meetings with the Ministry of Education, the Curriculum Forum of the Ontario Teachers Federation, and liaison with Faculties of Education. Super Conference Another successful Super Conference has been organized. This remains the premier library conference in Canada. Many thanks to OSLA Conference Co- ordinators, Jo-Anne LaForty and Brenda Partridge and all volun- teers for all their dedication and hard work. Professional Development OSLA Summer Institutes were held at two sites in August, 2002. With the launching of the OLA Education Institute, OSLA mem- bers now have many exciting pro- fessional development opportu- nities by participating in tradition- al events such as workshops and speaker presentations, and also through electronic conferences and workshops. We continue to wait for a settlement of the dis- pute between the Teachers' Federations and the Ontario College of Teachers so that we can register as a course provider for Personal Learning Program credit. Other Highlights OSLA has been part of the Ontario Library Association's cata- lyst team for the development of the vision for the Ontario Digital Library and the writing of the blue- print for the government of Ontario. The Ontario Digital Library will be a partnership of public, college and university, and school libraries. OSLA is partici- pating in the development of the business plan being presented to the government in late September. Finally, a personal highlight for me was attending the landmark White House Conference on School Libraries in June as the only Canadian invited. OSLA Council Best wishes and thanks for your dedication to our retiring members of council, Cheryl Dinnin, and Michelle Regina. A warm welcome is extended to our new council members, Linda Girardo and Terri Lyons. z