TL10.2p1-9 6 Ontario School Library Association During grade 9 orientation sessions, and wheneverI am demonstrating our library's on-line subscrip-tion databases, I hand out a two-sided, Library "business card". On this card is the URL for my library's web site as well as instructions for linking to the databas- es. User ID and password information is also provided. Included are the names and logos of our databases. I have found that students keep these cards in their wallets and have them on hand for school or home data- base access. (In previous years, I used to hand out pam- phlets but am quickly finding that the business cards are more likely to be retained and used.) I designed the cards using Microsoft Publisher and printed them on inexpensive perforated business card sheets from my local business supply store. I've printed over 1,000 cards, all for less than $50! z SSeellff--mmoottiivvaatteedd ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss nneeeedd nnoott bbee ccoommpplliiccaatteedd SANDRA CASEY Education Librarian, Queen's University I've used this with everyone from school kids to BEdstudents. It's based on the "jigsaw" model of co-opera-tive learning and it works better if each group can sit in a circle. Divide the class into groups of four or five. After a brief introduction by the librarian explaining where different resources are kept, each student in the group goes to a different section of the library and picks something inter- esting to take back to the group and talk about. The noise level tends to be deafening, something I enjoy because it kind of shatters the myth that librarians are always say- ing "shush". z It w o r k e d f o r m e ! T L AA bbuussiinneessss ccaarrdd ffoorr yyoouurr ddaattaabbaasseess FFRRAANNCCIINNEE MMUULLHHEERRIINN Brother André High School, York Catholic District School Board DDiidd yyoouu kknnooww tthhaatt aa rreevviieeww ooff tthhee eeffffeeccttiivvee-- nneessss ooff tthhee SSiillvveerr BBiirrcchh aanndd RReedd MMaappllee rreeaaddiinngg pprrooggrraammss iiss uunnddeerrwwaayy?? FFiillll oouutt tthhee ssuurrvveeyy iinn MMaayy wwhheenn iitt aarrrriivveess..