The Teaching Librarian Volume 10, no. 3 15 changing world, we need to ensure that we are there with excellent facilities and strong school library programs. The most important thing you can do right now is start collecting site-based evidence of the impact you make in your school. l Take the existing research findings and translate them into action. l Reflect on what you are doing now in view of the research findings. l Rethink, rework, redesign. l Collect tangible evidence in your school. l Consider gathering evidence from three perspectives - learner, learning unit, and learning environment l Create reports, advertise and celebrate your success. l Tell the world how your school library program makes a difference. l Use your evidence to advocate for more support. FFIIVVEE AACCTTIIOONNSS TTHHAATT MMAAKKEE AA DDIIFFFFEERREENNCCEE Use the chart below by Keith Curry Lance and David Loertscher to help you get started with your action plan. z Collaborate with teachers to build solid learning experiences Teach integrated information l iteracy Motivate learners to read more Push information beyond the library into the classroom and into the homework on the lead- ership agenda Work on the leadership agenda 5 KEY THINGS TO DO EVERY DAY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE Keith Curry Lance and David Loertscher, 2003 Strategy based on research Action Evidence of Success @ y ou r lib ra ry ™ THE EVIDENCE