18 Ontario School Library Association Critical thinking involvesthinking through problemat-ic situations about what to believe or how to act where the thinker makes reasoned judgments that embody the qualities of a com- petent thinker. Critical thinking has long been espoused by educators as a key goal for student learning. However, misunderstandings sur- rounding the concept of critical thinking and how it can be taught and learned have impeded wide- spread implementation of this important objective. The conception outlined in this article has been developed over the past 10 years by The Critical Thinking Consortium (TC2), an asso- ciation of 30 school districts, facul- ties of education and other educational groups in British Columbia and more recently, in Ontario and Alberta. Their approach is to infuse critical thinking into the curriculum and to systematically teach the intellectual "tools" that stu- dents require to make reasoned judg- ments with and about the subject matter they are studying. In the TC2 approach, critical thinking ceases to be an add-on to the teaching of con- tent, but rather an integral part of all teaching and learning. Critical Thinking The Conception by Rose Dotten based on material developed by The Critical Thinking Consortium THE EVIDENCE @ your library™ © C op yr ig ht T C 2 , us ed w ith p er m is si on .