TL11.4FALL2004_singles 6 Ontario School Library Association GGooiinngg ssttrraaiigghhtt ttoo tthhee ssoouurrccee DANI EARNSHAW Divine Mercy School, Dufferin-Peel CDSB In an elementary library I want to go straight tothe source! I have a wish box. The students canmake wishes for additions to our collection. I use a little decorated box with blank papers and a few pencils. Students are asked to write their sug- gestions and include names and classes. Student suggestions keep me up to date with what the "real readers" are reading and with what might interest the "reluctant readers." I try to respond to the requests as quickly as possible to keep the interest high. I have a concrete wad of requests to take to parent council and the powers-that-be who control funding. ❚ It w o r k e d f o r m e ! T L AAtt--aa--ggllaannccee iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn BRENDA DILLON Philip Pocock C.S.S., Dufferin-Peel CDSB I'd wanted a way to mark easy reading mate-rials so students could identify them at aglance. But I didn't like any of the labels available from our suppliers--they all looked too juvenile for high school students. So I used Microsoft Publisher to create my own labels based on ones I'd seen at the Peel Literacy Guild (but couldn't find in catalogues). I print the labels on full-page label paper, in colour (which means I print them at home), and cut them apart as needed. These labels are used to mark both fiction and non-fiction easy reading materials so they're easy to find. "Easy reading materials" and "Easy reading materials-Fiction" are also used as subject headings so I can easily search the catalogue and create lists of recommended titles. ❚ WWhhaatt wwoorrkkeedd ffoorr yyoouu?? This is a fun place to share ideas thatwork for you. E-mail your idea or tip toTeaching Librarian editor, Brenda Dillon SSuupppplleemmeennttiinngg lliibbrraarryy ffuunnddiinngg BRENDA DILLON Philip Pocock C.S.S., Dufferin-Peel CDSB Inever have enough budget money to meet cur-riculum support needs, so finding funds forfiction is a real challenge! That's why I review books for Resource Links and Professionally Speaking. My pay as a reviewer is the review copy of the book. I also have established--and contin- ue to coordinate--the Dufferin-Peel Secondary Fiction Review Committee. We review young adult fiction from NBS and keep the books as payment. While reviewing does take time (also in short sup- ply) it's worth the effort because it is a good way to supplement library funding. ❚