34 Ontario School Library Association Show leadership by offering professional development to staff. Teachers are consistently pressed for time and appreciate any type of efficiency that can be brought to their practice, whether it be marking, classroom management, planning, or, in this case, access to information. emphasize the need for access to credible, accurate informa- tion for all teachers and their students. Familiarize staff with electronic databases and catalogues acces- sible from school and home. Present an orientation outline at a department heads' meeting and clarify how the library can facilitate the delivery of program and meet the research needs of students. offer a brief tutorial to subject departments at the end of their department meetings so that their particular needs can be ad- dressed using examples that support curriculum, e.g. biomes, economic depression, global warming, literary criticism. one such on-line tutorial is found at http://www.knowledgeontario.ca/Teachontario/index.html. collaborate with teachers to produce activities and units of studies that will develop skills that not only locate information, but also develop the necessary thinking skills that will lead to synthesis and analysis of information. THE ACTION PLAN by focusing on databases such as those made available to schools by knowledge ontario, teacher-librarians can produce evidence-based studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of these resources. Teachers will understand how digital librar- ies will enhance both the quality of student work and the ef- ficiency of program delivery. katrine watkins and kathleen elder describe how their "google game" succeeds in stream- lining google searches for students with the use of connectors and limiters such as quotation marks, +/- signs, and site opera- tors (School Library Journal, 01/01/2006). applying these tools to advanced boolean search strings will achieve similar results, without the questionable credibility factor inherent in google searches. • • • • • • Teacher librarians must: …continued from page 33