The Teaching Librarian 19.2 7 carla wintersgill TingL Lingo Digital literacy [dij-i-tl] [lit-er-uh-see] Definition "Digital literacy generally refers to a variety of skills associated with using IcT (infor- mation and communication technologies) to find, evaluate, create and communicate information. It is the sum of the technical skills and cognitive skills people employ to use computers to retrieve information, interpret what they find and judge the quality of that information. It also includes the ability to communicate and collaborate using the Internet -- through blogs, self-published documents and presentations and collabora- tive social networking platforms." Federal Communications Commission, Connecting America: The National Broadband Plan (Washington, DC: Federal Communi- cations Commission, 2010), Significance closely tied to the concept of 21st century learning, digital literacy is a cornerstone for civic engagement and educational success. Simply making technology available for use is not enough to ensure digital success. as providers of access to information, libraries and librarians must position themselves as champions and guides to this new form of information literacy. Clark, L., & Visser, M. (2011). Digital literacy takes center stage. Library Technology Reports, 47(6), 38+