42 Ontario School Library Association 1. http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/reports/Supportingminds.pdf 2. https://spark.adobe.com/page/rkhBvuQeVmxc9 3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzyXV7FXfrhid1F5bTBncGJsLVu/view mindful practice is one way that our students can develop the self-regulatory skills needed to gain independence. in the library learning commons we can put in place specific and intentional routines and send clear messages to our learners about the importance of these skills. Fostering self-regulation in our children tells them that we believe in them, we trust them and we value them by: • Providing structures in our libraries like free-flow book exchange, equitable library/technology access, self- selection of reading materials, open shelving and access to creative materials. • encouraging independence in our learners through gradual release while understanding that each child will develop at a different pace. • reducing stress triggers where we can by consistently sending the message that we value the children more than the books/materials on our shelves. This means that mistakes will occur like lost or damaged books/ materials. These should never prevent a child from feeling comfortable entering the library and sharing their story about what has happened. • Co-creating an adaptable space where the children can move the furniture, add labels or signage, request additional materials, select alternative styles of seating and create displays or prompts for the school community. Like any learning environment, the library learning commons has the potential to provide children of all ages with a wide range of experiences to support individual wellness and learning styles. Whether through intentional play or flexible seating or hands on building materials, each child should know that, in addition to phenomenal books, great research databases and cool technology, their school library is a place where they can be themselves, advocate for their needs and pause to reset if needed. z Access to a wide variety of hands-on materials and creative outlets that inspire curiosity and wonder. Ongoing opportunities for student voice, emotions and needs to be expressed and valued. Book collections and displays that centre around student interests, passions and curiosities. …continued from page 41 Main Article Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash.