2/24/2020 July OLA newsletter https://ola.informz.ca/informzdataservice/onlineversion/pub/bWFpbGluZ0luc3RhbmNlSWQ9MzI1MzMz 3/3 What's new this month at the olaStore Featured New Release: Transforming Young Adult Services Editor Anthony Bernier initiates an open discussion about how YA professionals perceive young adults. Exploring the question of what a LIS-specific vision of young adults should be, this book offers a wide array of provocative positions with implications for libraries in literacy initiatives, YA space, intergenerational interactions, and civic life. Research-based articles and essays from leading scholars and practitioners examine young adults in historical and conceptual contexts, such as the ways in which social theory is rapidly changing the essence of YA librarianship. The variety of perspectives and analyses offered will launch a vigorous new debate on how libraries and those in the field think of and serve young adults. Transforming Young Adult Services is on sale for $63.95 for a limited time! (Regular price $74.95) And don't forget to check out our excellent selection of t-shirts now on sale! The Education Institute is REVVING UP for fall 2013! More than 40 webinars and webinar series are now available for registering online including a number of free sessions on topics ranging from library leadership to collection development, to advocacy, to Maker-Spaces to technology to library trends! Don't forget that if you can't make the live session you can still access the recorded version for up to a full year after the presentation. Check us out at the Partnership online. Ontario Library Association 2 Toronto Street, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON M5C 2B6 | t 416-363-3388 | f 416-941-9581 | Email Unsubscribe to this email listing. You are receiving this email because you are a current member of the Ontario Library Association. If you unsubscribe, you will no longer receive any communication from OLA or its divisions that are part of the member benefits. https://www.accessola.org/OLAWEB/OLAStore/SearchResults/OLAWEB/OLAStore/StoreDetails.aspx?pc=9781555709075 https://www.accessola.org/OLAWEB/OLAStore/OLAWEB/OLAStore/Summer_T-Shirt_Sale.aspx?Category=tees http://www.thepartnership.ca/ https://www.facebook.com/accessola http://twitter.com/#!/onlibraryassoc mailto:info@accessola.com http://www.informz.ca/clk/red8.asp?u=0&mi=325333&l=0