2/24/2020 September Newsletter https://ola.informz.ca/informzdataservice/onlineversion/pub/bWFpbGluZ0luc3RhbmNlSWQ9NDYyNTQy 2/6 Friday, November 14 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Join us for our first ever, all day Children's and Youth Blow Out at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (formerly known as the Super Conference Child and Youth Expo), in conjunction with the Toronto International Book Fair. Recharge your programs, collections and services! Registration is now open! Registration fees: Members: $110 Non-Members: $135 Students: $30 Your registration also includes access to the Toronto Book Fair. Apply for the Joyce Kipps Memorial Scholarships Want to attend RA in a Day or Super Conference? Apply for the Joyce Kipps Memorial Scholarship to off-set the costs of attending and registering for either event. The application deadline for the RA in a Day Scholarship is October 15. The application for the Super Conference Scholarship is open from October 16 to December 15. For more information and to download the application form, visit our website. The Canadian Library Month Website Is Now Live! Check out the new Canadian Library Month website where you can access and download resources for Canadian Library Month. You can also help populate the "My Story" page by tagging tweets and Facebook posts with the hashtag #LibrariesInspire. Read stories of how libraries have inspired you or touched your life, as well as share your own story. OPLA wants to know what inspires you @ Your Library! Check out the Education Institute Fall Calendar! Join Us on Twitter and Facebook! https://www.accessola.org/OLAWEB/Events_ola/Divisional_Events/Child_Youth_Event.aspx http://www.torontobookfair.ca/programming/workshops/#mg_cd_workshops-librarians https://www.accessola.org/OLAWEB/About/Scholar_Kipps.aspx http://librarymonth.ca/ http://librarymonth.ca/tools/ https://twitter.com/search?q=%23LibrariesInspire&src=typd http://librarymonth.ca/stories/share-my-story/ http://www.accessola2.com/ei/EICalendar-Fall%202014.pdf http://www.accessola2.com/ei/EICalendar-Fall%202014.pdf https://twitter.com/ONLibraryAssoc https://www.facebook.com/accessola https://twitter.com/ONLibraryAssoc https://www.facebook.com/accessola