2/24/2020 March: Sarah Badgley Literacy Fund, EI Proposals, and More! https://ola.informz.ca/informzdataservice/onlineversion/pub/bWFpbGluZ0luc3RhbmNlSWQ9Nzg5OTAz 1/6 Get the most out of your OLA membership Problem viewing this email? Click here. , your membership number is . The Sarah Badgley Literacy Fund for Rural Ontario Children Now Accepting Applicants! OLA is pleased to announce the 2017 round of the Sarah Badgley Literacy Fund for Rural Ontario Children. A grant of up to $500 per year is available to rural public libraries and to urban public libraries that serve rural clientele. The purpose of the grant is to support children's literacy initiatives. Priority will be given to libraries that promote the love of reading by using the grant for such things as literacy programmes (story time, book/activity bags for loan, etc.), book purchases, and/or equipment purchases (e.g., LEGO®, software and digital media). It is anticipated that three or four grants will be awarded this year, subject to the availability of funds. The Rural Learning Association established the Sarah Badgley Fund in 2002. OLA now administers the Fund. To date, more than 60 public libraries have received grants from the Fund. For information around the application process please visit the OLA WEBSITE HERE. Dr. Janette Baker Scholarship Applications open until Apr. 30 Calling all MLIS and LIT students! Apply for the Dr. Janette Baker Scholarship and you could win up to $5,000 towards tuition. After completing the online application form, send your resume, statement of interest, and proof of registration to OLA Awards email address. APPLY HERE >> Download the Student Inquiry Process Poster Last year, TALCO (The Association of Library Coordinators of Ontario) and OSLA collaborated to augment the LNS (Literacy & Numeracy Secretariat) monograph #24 Getting Started with Student Inquiry (October 2011). We're pleased to provide you with the finished product: a digital poster with hyperlinks that explains the role of a teacher-librarian in the student inquiry process. The poster is available for download on the OSLA website in both French and English, http://www.accessola.org/web/OLA/About/Donations/OLA_Funds/OLA/About/Donations/OLA_Funds.aspx?hkey=764ac98e-4d69-4b53-856b-754bd80c90ee https://goo.gl/forms/XNJ7dJYVYguPGfgu1 mailto:awards@accessola.com https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeKDvK8QglAIA2OMpZkYl8tzmHMSXtwm1N4HKyX5VGzRj5fIw/viewform?c=0&w=1